I am a Post-doc in IDMR, a member of IAHR. I obtained a PhD in Hydraulics and River Dynamics from Sichuan University in 2021. I was a Joint Ph.D. visitor in Water Research Center, University of New South Wales, Australia during 2018 to 2019. My expertise is in the fields of hydraulic engineering, environmental fluid mechanics and water disaster research. My research is mostly experimental exploring in the laboratory and at full-scale to resolve applied and fundamental research challenges in hydraulic engineering and environmental engineering, with special focuses on air-water flow phenomena, environmental flows and mass transfer during complex flow processes.
Representative research results
1. Paper:
[1] Zhao, W. Y. (2018). Measuring bubble shapes in the long straight rectangular pipe under different flow conditions, Amer Soc Civil Engineers, New York. pp. 244-253. DOI: 10.1061/9780784481424.025
[2] Li, R., Xu, W. L., Luo, J., Yuan, H., and Zhao, W. Y. (2019). "A Study on Aeration to Alleviate Cavitation Erosion in the Contraction Section of Pressure Flow." Journal of Fluids Engineering, 141(9), 091108. DOI: 10.1115/1.4043230
[3] Mao, X., Li, J., An, R., Zhao, W. Y., Li, K., Li, R., Deng, Y., Liang, X., Yang, M., and Zhang, J. (2019). "Study of key technologies for fishways in the plateaus of western China." Global Ecology Conservation, 20, e00755. DOI: 10.1016/j.gecco.2019.e00755
[4] Mao, X., Zhang, J., Tang, K., and Zhao, W. Y. (2019). "Designs for T shape fishways." Civil Engineering Journal, 28(2) pp. 270-280. DOI: 10.14311/CEJ.2019.02.0022
[5] Zhao, W. Y., Wang, H., Bai, R. D., Wei, W. R., and Wang, H. T. (2021). "Bubble characteristics and turbulent dissipation rate in horizontal bubbly pipe flow." American Institute of Physics Advances, 11(2), 025125. DOI: 10.1063/5.0035816
[6] Zhao, W. Y., Prata, A., Peirson, W. L., Stuetz, R., Felder, S. (2021), "Reaeration in supercritical open channel flows." Journal of Hydraulic Engineering, ASCE. (Preprint)
[7] Huang, J. P., Zhao, W. Y., Li, Z., Ou, Y. M., Lin, L., (2021), "Study on the improved evaluation method of CO2 emission in reservoir coupling Floating Chamber and Thin Boundary Layer methods." Science of the Total Environment. (Preprint)
[8] Zhao, W. Y., Xu, W. L., Wang, H., Tang, R. C. and Bai, R. D. (2021), "Roller fluctuations of pre-aerated high-Froude-number hydraulic jumps. " Water Management, Proceedings of the ICE. (Preprint)
2. Patent:
Huang, D. Q., Li, H. T., Zhao, W. Y., Zhang, B. C. (2015). A new urban “water air conditioning” system based on the upstream water source and its temperature adjustment method. CN103234249A, 2015-05-13
1.2021. The 1st prize of the oral presentation at the 2nd International Symposium of Water Disaster Mitigation and Water Environment Regulation
2. 2018. The excellent cadre of Sichuan university young professionals networks of The International Association for Hydro-Environment Engineering and Research
3.2015. The 2nd place of the oral presentation at the English Session of the 7th National Symposium of Hydraulics and Hydroinformatics
4.2014. The outstanding award of the 3rd National hydraulics Innovative design competition for college students
Cultivation of talents
Master supervisor of the 2020 Innovation Class Research Group (Water, Disasters and Culture)