My research mainly focus on using molecular biological techniques ( metagenomics) and cultivation-based approaches to investigate the interactions between iron cycle and carbon cycle, immobilization of heavy metals, and biodegradation of organic pollutants, and disclosing the physic-chemical and biochemical mechanisms of element cycles in acid mine drainage and subtropical soils. The goal of my research is to improve predictions of contaminant fate and to identify promising strategies to treat contaminated sites more efficiently.
Representative research results
Journal Papers
Chen YT, Li JT, Chen LX, Hua ZS, Huang LN, Liu J, Liao B, Xu BB, Shu, WS. Biogeochemical processes governing natural pyrite oxidation and release of acid metalliferous drainage. Environmental Science & Technology (2014) 48:5537-5545. (SCI, IF = 6.198)
Chen YT, Tao L, Wu K, Wang YK. Shifts in indigenous microbial communities during the anaerobic degradation of pentachlorophenol in upland and paddy soils from southern China. Environmental Science and Pollution Research (2016) 23:23184-23194. (SCI, IF = 2.741)
Chen YT, Li XM, Liu TX, Li FB. Microaerobic iron oxidation and carbon assimilation and associated microbial community in paddy soil. Acta Geochimica 2017, 36:502-505.
陈娅婷, 李芳柏, 李晓敏. 水稻土嗜中性微好氧亚铁氧化菌多样性及微生物成矿研究. 生态环境学报 (2016) 25: 547-554. (CSCD)
Chen YT, Chen LX, Li XM, Hu M, Li FB. Microaerophilic iron-oxidizing microbial community couple with carbon assimilation in paddy soil. Environmental Science & Technology (2018) (under review, SCI, IF = 6.198)
Chen LX, Li JT, Chen YT, Huang LN, Hua ZS, Hu M, Shu WS. Shifts in microbial community composition and function in the acidification of a lead/zinc mine tailings. Environmental Microbiology (2013) 15: 2431-2344. (SCI, IF = 5.395)
Zhong WL, Li JT, Chen YT, Shu WS, Liao B. A study on the effects of lead, cadmium and phosphorus on the lead and cadmium uptake efficacy of Viola baoshanensis inoculated with arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi. Journal of Environmental Monitoring (2012) 14: 2497-2504. (SCI, IF = 2.179)
Mou S, Tao L, Chen YT, Tang XZ, Dong J. Citrate accelerates the microbially mediated chemical dechlorination process of pentachlorophenol in iron-rich soils. Environmental Geochemistry and Health (2016) (Under review, SCI, IF=2.079)
Scientific research project
2018.1.1 – 2020.12.31 NSFC Young Scientists of China
“The mechanisms and effects of parent materials in microaerophilic iron oxidation coupled with carbon dioxide assimilation in paddy soil”
Principal investigator; RMB 0.25 M for 3 years.
Cultivation of talents
Teach postgraduate courses “Science of disaster reconstruction and management”