Ph.D, associate professor, supervisor of master and doctoral students, Council member of Sichuan society of seismology, member of American Geophysical Union. I graduated from Tongji University with a bachelor degree in civil engineering in 2013 and from Stanford University with a Ph.D degree in geophysics in 2019. I am a geophysicist that studies the underlying physics of earthquake and volcanic hazards, especially the movements of fluid and solid in such systems. My primary approach is to include key physics in theoretical/numerical models and use them to interpret diverse observations from structure geology, laboratory experiments, seismology, and geochemistry. My research helps to address critical questions in natural hazards such as how magma flows in volcanos and how geological faults grow and slip, and also has immediate application in the energy industry. More info please visit my personal website:
Representative research results
[7] Liang, C.*, J.P. Ampuero, and D. Pino-Muños (2022), “The paucity of supershear earthquakes on large faults governed by rate and state friction.”, Geophysical Research Letters, 49(22), e2022GL099749, doi:10.1029/2022GL099749.
[6] Liang, C.*, J.P. Ampuero, and D. Pino-Muños (2020), Deep ductile shear zone facilitates near- orthogonal strike-slip faulting in a thin brittle lithosphere, Geophysical Research Letters, e2020GL090744, doi:10.1029/2020GL090744.
[5] Liang, C.* and E. M. Dunham (2020), Lava lake sloshing modes during the 2018 Kilauea Volcano eruption probe magma reservoir storativity, Earth and Planetary Science Letters, 535(1), 116110, doi:10.1016/j.epsl.2020.116110.
[4] Liang, C.*, J. Crozier, L. Karlstrom, and E. M. Dunham (2019), Magma oscillations in a conduit- reservoir system, applications to very long period (VLP) seismicity at basaltic volcanoes-Part II: Data inversion and interpretation at Kilauea Volcano, Journal of Geophysical Research-Solid Earth, 125(1), e2019JB017456, doi:10.1029/2019JB017456.
[3] Liang, C.*, L. Karlstrom, and E. M. Dunham (2019), Magma oscillations in a conduit-reservoir system, applications to very long period (VLP) seismicity at basaltic volcanoes-Part I: Theory, Journal of Geophysical Research-Solid Earth, 125(1), e2019JB017437, doi:10.1029/2019JB017437.
[2] Liang, C.*, O. O'Reilly, E. M. Dunham, and D. Moos (2017), Hydraulic fracture diagnostics from Krauklis wave resonance and tube wave reflections, Geophysics, 82(3), D171-D186.
[1] Zhuang X. Y., R. Q. Huang, C. Liang and T. Rabczuk (2014). A coupled Thermo-Hydro-Mechanical Model of Jointed Hard Rock for Compressed Air Energy Storage, Math. Problems in Engineering.
Under review
[1] Xie J., X., Zeng*, C., Liang, S., Ni, R., Chu, F., Bao, R., Lin, B., Chi, H.,Lv (2023), Ice plate deformation and cracking revealed by an in-situ distributed acoustic sensing array, manuscript submitted to The Crypsphere, in review.
2022 Outstanding Research Award of Sichuan University
2022 National High-Level Young Talent Award
2018 Stanford University McGee Research Grant, 3000 USD
2018 Stanford Shell Fund, 1500 USD
2017 Geophysics, “Best Paper Honorable Mention” in the year of 2017
2017 Society of Exploration Geophysics Charlie and Jean Smith Scholarship, 4330 USD
2017 Society of Exploration Geophysics Anadarko Scholarship, 10000 USD
2013 Stanford University Ph.D program with full scholarship
2010 National Scholarship of China
2009 National Scholarship of China
Scientific research project
Projects presiding/presided:
1. NSFC, Outstanding Early Career Award/Grant, 2 Million RMB, in progress, presiding
2. NSFC, Early Career Grant, 300000 RMB, in progress, presiding
3. Sichuan University Start-up Grant, 2 Million RMB, in progress, presiding
4. CNPC Chuanqing Drilling Engineering Company Industrial Consulting project, 300000 RMB, in progress, presiding
Projects participating/participated:
1. ANR (France), UCAJEDI Investments in the Future project, ANR-15-IDEX-01, PERFAUL T-3M: Physics of Earthquake Rupture and Fault Growth: Multi-scale Modeling of Material Failure, 2019.01 to now, 1.21 million RMB, in progress, participating
2. NSF (USA), EAR, Standard Grant, EAR-1624431, Collaborative Research: Waves in Volcanic Conduit-crack Systems and Very Long Period Seismicity at Kilauea Volcano, Hawaii, 2016.10-2019.01, 334700 RMB, finished, participating
Cultivation of talents
Supervising master/doctoral students majored in safety science and hazard reduction, teaching master/doctor level courses including Geological Hazards, Hazard and Human Environment, Frontier of Safety Science and Hazard Reduction, Introduction to Hazard Science, undergraduate level courses Artificial Intelligence, Resilience-Based Anti-Seismic Structural Desgin, mentoring undergraduate students in the innovation class of international hazard reduction and emergency management. I am recruiting prospective master (2 students per year) and Ph.D (2 students per year) students with diverse background in geophysics, geology, mechanical engineering, civil engineering, mining, safety engineering, and computer science, who are interested in earth science and natural hazards. Please reach me by email if interested. Your curiosity is more important than knowledge.