
Tian Bingwei Associate Professor

Dr. Tian Bingwei currently serves as Associate Professor in the Institute of Disaster Management and ReconstructionInresearch,he has been not able in the depth and breadth of his contributions,andinthe interdisciplinary character of his efforts.He has done an excellent job in fund-raising, have been successful in raising funds from a wide variety of sources, including the national key research and development foundation.

Representative research results


1. Bingwei Tian,Ling Wang. Spatial-Temporal Patterns Of Vegetation Damage And Recovery After The Wenchuan Earthquake. IEEE International Geo-science and Remote Sensing Symposium, 2017,5779- 5762. EI (Lead author)

2. Wang, L.,Bingwei Tian., Koike, K., Hong, B., & Ren, P. Integration of Landscape Metrics and Variograms to Characterize and Quantify the Spatial Heterogeneity Change of Vegetation Induced by the 2008 Wenchuan Earthquake[ J]. International Journal of Geo-Information, 2017, 6(6):164-184.SCI(Lead author)

3. Bingwei Tian, and K. Koike. 3D Crustal Temperature Modeling over Japan for Geothermal Resource Assessment. Geo-statistical and Geo-spatial Approaches for the Characterization of Natural Resources in the Environment. Springer International Publishing, 2016. (Chapter)(Lead author)

4. Bingwei Tian, Ling Wang,Katsuaki Mapping of Subsurface Thermal Conduction and Convection Using Spatial Statistics. IEEE International Geo-science and Remote Sensing Symposium, 2015. EI.(Lead author)

5. Bingwei Tian. , Wang, L., Kashiwaya, K., Koike, K. Combination of Well- Logging Temperature and Thermal Remote Sensing for Characterization of Geothermal Resources in Hokkaido, Northern Japan. Remote Sensing. 2015, 7, 2647-2667. SCI(Lead author)

6. Bingwei Tian, Katsuaki Koike. Mapping spatial variability of geothermal resource in Hokkaido Japan by combination of thermal remote sensing and borehole data. IEEE International Geo-science and Remote Sensing Symposium, 2014. EI.(Lead author)

7. Bingwei Tian., Wang L., Koike K., Spatial statistics of surface roughness change derived from multi-scale digital elevation models, Procedia Environmental Sciences, Vol. 7, 2011, 252-257, ISSN 1878-0296, 10.1016/j.proenv.2011.07.044. 2011, Elsevier. (Lead author)

8. Bingwei Tian., Wang L., Koike K., and Fan J.R., Analysis and Assessment of Earthquake-induced Secondary Mountain Disaster Chains Based on Muti-platform Remote Sensing. Proceeding of 2010 IEEE International Geo-science and Remote Sensing Symposium, 1214~1217. 2010,IEEE. EI.(Lead author)

9. 田兵伟, 范建容. 基于 GeoDatabase 面向对象的地图注记库设计与研究. 世界科技研究与发展 30 (3), 324- 327,2008. CSCD.(第一作者)

10. 田兵伟, 范建容,王道杰,张建强,佘涛.基于 GeoProcessing方法的岷江上游流域数字水系建模.  长江流域资源与环境 17 (A01), 106-111,2008. CSCD.(第一作者)

11. Ling Wang, Bingwei TIAN, Alaa Masoud, Katsuaki Koike, Relationship between remotely sensed vegetation change and fracture zones induced by the 2008 Wenchuan earthquake, China. Journal of Earth Science, 24(2), 282-296, 2013.SCI.

12. 朱万泽,王玉宽,范建容,申旭红,田兵伟,魏宗华.长江上游优先保护生态系统类型及分布.山地学报 29 (5), 520-528. 2012. CSCD.

13. Fan J.R., Chen J., Bingwei TIAN, Rapid Assessment of the Secondary Disasters Induced by the Wenchuan Earthquake, Computing in Science and Engineering, 12.,1.,10-19. 2010, IEEE.SCI.

14. 宫奎方,田兵伟,范建容,王向阳,郭祥,郭华,廖晓勇. 西藏自治区水土流失监测网络系统设计, 中国水土保持, 8- 10.2009 CSCD.

15. 王玲,辜彬,田兵伟.基于遥感数据的岷江上游水域动态监测——以汶川县为例. 四川大学学报:自然科学版,803- 808,2009 CSCD.

16. 朱万泽,范建容,王玉宽,申旭红,田兵伟,魏宗华. 长江上游生物多样性保护重要性评价── 以县域为评价单元.  生态学报, 29 (5), 2603-2611,2009 CSCD.

17. 林勇明,王道杰,周麟,陈婷婷,田兵伟,苏凤环.岷江干旱河谷植物群落分布特征及梯度效应. 福建林学院学报, 332- 335,2009 CSCD.

18. Fan J.R., Bingwei TIAN., Yan D., 2008. Cause analysis of Gully erosion in Yuanmou basin of Jinshajiang valley, Wuhan University Journal of natural sciences, 13., 3.,343-349. SCI.

19. 范建容,张建强,田兵伟,严冬,陶和平.汶川地震次生灾害毁坏耕地的遥感快速评估方法——以北川县唐家山地区  为例.遥感学报,2008(6) 917-924,2008. CSCD.

20. 范建容,田兵伟,程根伟,陶和平,张建强,严冬,苏凤环,刘斌涛. 基于多源遥感数据的 5· 12 汶川地震诱发堰塞体信息提取. 山地学报 26 (3), 257-262,2008. CSCD.

21. 刘斌涛,陶和平,范建容,田兵伟,张建强,严冬. 高分辨率 SAR 数据在 5· 12 汶川地震灾害监测与评估中的应用. 山地学报 26 (3), 267-271,2008. CSCD.

22. 聂勇,范建容,贺秀斌,杨阿强,田兵伟.水土流失遥感调查中植被信息提取与评价指标讨论, 水土保持通报 27 (4), 10-14,2007. CSCD.

23. Bingwei TIAN, Katsuaki Koike. Mapping spatial variability of geothermal resource in Hokkaido Japan by combination of thermal remote sensing and borehole data. Proceeding of 2014 IEEE International Geo-science and Remote Sensing, 12-20th July 2014, Quebec, Canada, (Poster), 2014

24. Bingwei TIAN, Ling WANG, Katsuaki KOIKE and Jianrong FAN. Analysis and Assessment of Earthquake- induced Secondary Mountain Disaster Chains Based on Multi-platform Remote Sensing. 2010 IEEE International Geo-science and Remote Sensing Symposium (IEEE IGARSS 2010)., 1214~1217., 2010.Honolulu, Hawaii, USA. (Oral, Proceeding) .USA,2010


1. Linsheng Gu,editor.Innovation and Practice of legal mechanism -case studies on revovery and reconstruction of Ya'an After 4.20 Lushan earthquake[M]. Chengdu :Sichuan University press,2017.8. Pages:409,ISBN: 978-7-5690-0740-4 (Bingwei TIAN ranked: 5/13)total:940000 words,Bingwei TIAN finished 100000 words.

2. Bingwei TIAN, editor.Disaster reduction ecological artistic map innovation and practice[M].Chengdu: Sichuan fine art publishing house,75 thousand,2016.Pages:166,ISBN:978-7-5410-7061-7.2016

3. Linsheng Gu,editor.Innovation and Practice -case studies on revovery and reconstruction of Ya'an After 4.20 Lushan earthquake[M]. Chengdu :Sichuan University press,605000 words ,Bingwei TIAN finished 50000 words,2016. Pages:267,ISBN: 978-7-5614-9352-6.(Bingwei TIAN ranked: 4/16)

4. 崔鹏,主编. 长江上游山地灾害与水土流失地图集[M]. 第一版.北京:科学出版社,2014.页数:234,ISBN:  978-7-03-042605-5.(田兵伟地图编制组排名: 18/53)

5. 崔鹏,主编. 中国水土流失防治与生态安全 长江上游及西南诸河区卷[M].北京:科学出版社,2010. 页数:418, ISBN:  978-7-03-026330-8.(田兵伟编写组排名: 23/60)


1.  2017.12,The 11th China(Chengdu) International Software Design &Application Competition, Second prize,tutor;

2.  2017.11,"A Role Model tutor of Aademic Associations" awarded by Sichuan University;

3.  2017.9, China-Nepal friendship award by Nepal to China ambassador;

4.  2017.8,The Third Internet innovation and entrepreneurship for college students, Silver award, tutor.;

5.  2016.1, First prize in Science and technology of Soil and Water Conservation;

6.  2015.3,“Groundwater Environmental Leaders” of Kumamoto University ;

7.  2014.7,Singapore Global Young Scientists Summit 2014 candidate;

8.  2013.10,Global Leaders of Kyoto University;

9.  2008.8,“Advanced Individuals for Earthquake Relief ” of 2008 Wenchuan earthquake by the Ministry of Water Resources.

Scientific research project

Government-funded Longitudinal Research Projects

1. National Program on Key Search Projects:Aviation Emergency Rescue Key Technology and Application:Equipment and Standard System Research(Core Instructor ,2016.7-2020.6)

2. Disaster reconstruction and tracking study after Jiuzhaigou earthquake. (NO.2 Key researcher, 2017.11-2018.12)

3. The Disaster Reconstruction research platform of China-Nepal People to People Cooperation(PI, 2016.2-2018.12)

4. Time Series of Whenchuan and Kobe Earthquake Reconstruction Based on Big Geo-spatial And Temporal Data(PI,2016.1-2017.12)

5. Disaster risk resilience and disaster mitigation optimization for high risk reconstructed area (NO.1Key researcher,2016.1-2018.6)

Commercial Research Projects

1. Disaster reconstruction and legal mechanism of Jiuzhaigou village with ethnic characteristics(NO.1 Key researcher,2017.12-2019.12)

2. 2017-2020 Mao county technical support project for disaster reconstruction assistance projects.(PI, 2017.9-2020.9)

3. A research project in the background of “One road and one belt” for china and south Asia countries to deepen cooperation in the field of disaster prevention and mitigation .(PI,2017.5-2017.12)

4. Assessment and Evaluation of World Bank Supported Whenchuan Earthquake Reconstruction Programs(PI,2016.6-2016.9)

5. Infrastructure of World Bank Supported Whenchuan Earthquake Reconstruction Programs(PI,2016.6-2016.9)

6. Compassion of Mega-Disaster Reconstruction in foreign countries.(NO.1 Key researcher,2016.2- 2016.7)

7. “Children's Safety class - Disaster Reduction for Elementary School” (PI,2016.1-2016.2)

8. 4.20 Lushan Earthquake Practical Reconstruction Case Research(PI,2015.12-2016.4)

9. Mega Natural Disaster Reconstruction Mechanism Research.(NO.2 Key researcher,2015.9-2016.12)

10. The 13th five year plan project for disaster prevention and reduction in Sichuan province.(NO.3 Key researcher,2015.9-2015.11)

Teaching and Research Projects

1. “QGIS and Its Application in Disaster Risk Management”(PI,2016.5-2017.12)

2. Ecological Disaster Reduction Service Learning(PI,2016.9-2018.6)

3. Disaster reduction education and entrepreneur.(PI,2017.10-2018.10)

4. Research for improving the ability of disaster prevention and reduction for 2018 Hongkong Jiulong middle school students.(PI,2018.2-2018.3)

5. A study on the system of improving the ability of young volunteers in emergency rescue.(PI,2017.12-2018.12)

Hongkong and Sichuan communication projects-improving the ability for disaster prevention and reduction.(PI,2017.12-2018.5)