XU Lilai is an associate professor at the Institute for Disaster Management and Reconstruction, Sichuan University, China. He hold a Ph.D degree from University of the Chinese Academy of Sciences in 2016. His research interests include urban climate hazard vulnerability analysis and risk assessment under the changing environment, climate-resilient urban spatial planning, and application of big data in the field of climate hazard analysis. He has published over 40 peer-review papers on high impact journals, including Environment International, Journal of Cleaner Production, Science of the Total Environment, Environment Research Letter, etc.
Representative research results
Selected papers
1. Xu LL, Cui SH, Wang XM, Tang JX, Nitivattananon V, Ding SP, Nguyen M. Dynamic risk of coastal flood and driving factors: Integrating local sea level rise and spatially explicit urban growth. Journal of Cleaner Production, 2021, 321(7731):129039.
2. Xu LL, Ding SP, Nitivattananon V, Tang JX. Long-term dynamic of land reclamation and its impact on coastal flooding: a case study in Xiamen, China. Land, 2021, 10, 866.
3. Tang JX; Cui SH*; Xu LL*; Li YM; Hu YC. Analyzing the spatiotemporal dynamics of flood risk and its driving factors in a coastal watershed of southeastern China. Ecological Indicators, 2021,121: 107134.
4. Tang JX; Li YM; Cui SH*; Xu LL*; Ding SP. The influence of land use change intensity on landscape pattern and ecosystem in a costal watershed of southeastern China, from 1990-2015. Global Ecology and Conservation, 2020, 23: e01177.
5. Hoque MZ; Cui SH*; Islam I; Xu LL*; Tang JX. Future Impact of Land Use/Land Cover Changes on Ecosystem Services in the Lower Meghna River Estuary, Bangladesh. Sustainability, 2020, 12: 2112.
6. Xu LL, Wang XM, Liu JH, He YR, Tang JX, Minh N, Cui SH*. Identifying the trade-offs between climate change mitigation and adaptation in urban land use planning- An empirical study in a coastal city. Environment International, 2019, 133(133): 105162.
7. Hoque MZ; Cui SH*; Xu LL*; Islam I; Tang JX; Ding SP. Assessing Agricultural Livelihood Vulnerability to Climate Change in Coastal Bangladesh. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, 2019, 16(22): 4552.
8. Xu LL, Cui SH, Tang JX, Nguyen M, Liu JH, Zhao YC. Assessing the adaptive capacity of urban form to climate stress: the case study on urban heat island. Environmental Research Letters, 2019, 14(4): 044013.
9. Xu LL, Cui SH, Tang JX, Yan XM, Lv H. Investigating the comparative roles of multi-source factors influencing urban residents' transportation greenhouse gas emissions. Science of the Total Environment, 2018, 644: 1336-1345.
10. Xu LL, He YR, Huang W, Cui SH. A multi-dimensional integrated approach to assess flood risks on a coastal city, induced by sea-level rise and storm tides. Environmental Research Letters, 2016, 11: 014001.
11. Xu LL, Lin T, Xu Y, Xiao LS, Cui SH. Path analysis of factors influencing household solid waste generation: a case study of Xiamen Island, China. Journal of Material Cycles and Waste Management, 2016, 18(2): 377-384.
12. Xu LL, Gao PQ, Cui SH, Liu C. A hybrid procedure for MSW generation forecasting at multiple time scales in Xiamen City, China. Waste Management, 2013, 33(6): 1324-1331.
13. Lin T, Cao X, Huang N, Xu LL, Li X, Zhao Y, Lin J. Social cognition of climate change in coastal community: A case study in Xiamen City, China. Ocean & Coastal Management 2021, 207: 104429.
14. Hoque MZ, Cui S, Islam I, Xu LL, Ding S. Dynamics of plantation forest development and ecosystem carbon storage change in coastal Bangladesh. Ecological Indicators 2021, 130: 107954.
15. Shrestha S, Cui S, Xu LL, Wang L, Manandhar B, Ding S. Impact of Land Use Change Due to Urbanisation on Surface Runoff Using GIS-Based SCS–CN Method: A Case Study of Xiamen City, China. Land, 2021,10: 839.
16. Wang X, Xu LL, Cui S-H, Wang C-H. Reflections on coastal inundation, climate change impact, and adaptation in built environment: progresses and constraints. Advances in Climate Change Research, 2020, 11: 317-331.
17. Hoque MZ; Cui SH; Xu LL; Islam I; Ali G; Tang JX. Resilience of coastal communities to climate change in Bangladesh: Research gaps and future directions. Watershed Ecology and the Environment, 2019, 1: 42-56.
18. Ali G, Yan N, Hussain J, Xu LL, Huang Y, Xu S, Cui S. Quantitative assessment of energy conservation and renewable energy awareness among variant urban communities of Xiamen, China. Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews 2019; 109: 230-238.
19. Yan XM, Cui SH, Xu LL, Lin JY, Ali G. Carbon footprints of urban residential buildings: a household survey-based approach. Sustainability, 2018, 10(1131).
20. Ye H, Ren Q, Hu X, Lin T, Xu LL, Li X, Zhang G, Shi L, Pan B. Low-carbon behavior approaches for reducing direct carbon emissions: Household energy use in a coastal city. Journal of Cleaner Production 2017; 141: 128-136.
21. Lin J, Hu Y, Cui SH, Kang J, Xu LL. Carbon footprints of food production in China (1979–2009). Journal of Cleaner Production 2015; 90,97-103.
22. Lin J, Liu Y, Meng FX, Cui SH, Xu LL. Using hybrid method to evaluate carbon footprint of Xiamen City, China. Energy Policy 2013; 58, 220-227.
Books/Book chapters
1. Xu LL and Cui SH, Ecological vulnerability assessment in coastal zone based on remote sensing, in Ecological environment assessment in the typical vulnerable areas, edited by Cao MC et al, Science Press, Beijing,2017.
2. Xu LL et al., Impacts, vulnerability, risk and adaptation of tropical cyclone, sea level rise and storm surge in Western Taiwan Straits, in China national report of climate change and ecology evolution 2021, edited by Qin DH, Science Press, Beijing, 2021.
1. Distinguished Expert of Sichuan Province, China, 2021
2. 1st excellent report award, Annual Meeting of Young Scientists of the Key Laboratory of Urban Environment and Health of the Chinese Academy of Sciences 2017
3. National scholarship for postgraduates, 2012
Scientific research project
Study on the social vulnerability patterns and resilience mechanisms of coastal cities to typhoon disaster with the support of big data, Sponsor: the National Natural Science Foundation of China, 2021-2023, as Principal Investigator
• “1000 Talents Program of Sichuan Province”, Climate hazards and urban resilience, Sponsor: the People’s Government of Sichuan Province, China, 2021-2023, as principal investigator
• The Application of big data for urban climate hazard vulnerability analysis and climate-resilient urban spatial planning: the case study of Chengdu, Sponsor: Sichuan University, 2020-2013, as Principal Investigator
• Dynamic assessment of flood risk in coastal urban settlements based on land use prediction, Sponsor: Science Foundation of the Fujian Province, China, 2019-2020, as Principal Investigator r
• Natural disaster and ecological risk assessment of human settlements (as part of the National Key Research and Development Program of China “Regional ecological safety and early warning technology”), Sponsor: Ministry of Science and Technology, China, 2017-2022, as Principal Investigator
• “Dyke-dam-collapse” induced urban flood risk assessment and adaptive risk management: A case study of Longyan City, 2019-2021, as the key participant
• Comparative risk assessment of hydrologic hazards and adaption policy in Jiulong River and Chao Phraya Watershed, Sponsor: NSFC (in collaboration with Asian Institute of Technology, Thailand), 2017-2020, as the key participant
• Development of Profitable Climate Adaptation to Extreme Events for Cities, Sponsor: CAS (in collaboration with CSIRO, Australia), 2016-2018, as the key participant
• Study on the urban planning strategies for mitigation and adaptation of climate change in coastal cities, Sponsor, NSFC, 2014-2017, as the key participant
• GHGs reduction target and road map of Xiamen City during the “13th five year plan” period, Sponsor, Development and Reform Commission of Xiamen, 2015-2016, as the key participant
• Development of key technologies for climate change mitigation and adaptation in coastal cities, Sponsor, National Key Technology R&D Program of the Ministry of Science and Technology, 2012-2015, as the key participant