
Xie Wei Associate Professor

Sherry, Wei XIE is an associate professor at the Institute for Disaster Management and Reconstruction, Sichuan University, China. She received her Ph.D. degree and worked as a Postdoc in Architecture and Civil Engineering from City University of Hong Kong in 2022. She received her Bachelor and Master degree in Engineering from Southwest Jiaotong University in 2016 and 2019 respectively. Her research interests include pedestrian and evacuation dynamics, fire safety and disaster mitigation. She has published over 20 peer-review papers in the SCI/EI journals, including IEEE Transactions on Intelligent Transportation Systems, Automation in Construction, Tunnelling and Underground Space Technology, etc.

Representative research results.

1. Wei Xie, Eric Wai Ming Lee*, Yiu Yin Lee, “Simulation of spontaneous leader–follower behaviour in crowd evacuation”, Automation in Construction, 2022, 134, 104100.

2. Wei Xie*, Dongli Gao, Eric Wai Ming Lee, “Detecting undeclared-leader-follower structure in pedestrian evacuation using transfer entropy”, IEEE Transactions on Intelligent Transportation Systems, 2022, 23(10), 17644-17653.

3. Wei Xie, Eric Wai Ming Lee*, Yiu Yin Lee, “Self-organisation phenomena in pedestrian counter flows and its modelling”, Safety Science, 2022, 155, 105875.

4. Wei Xie*, Eric Wai Ming Lee, Tao Li, Meng Shi, Ruifeng Cao, Yuchun Zhang, “A study of group effects in pedestrian crowd evacuation: Experiments, modelling and simulation”, Safety Science, 2021, 133, 105029.

5. Wei Xie, Eric Wai Ming Lee, Yanying Cheng, Meng Shi, Joe Rui Feng Cao, Yuchun Zhang*, “Evacuation performance of individuals and social groups under different visibility conditions: Experiments and surveys”, International Journal of Disaster Risk Reduction. 2020, 47, 101527.

6. Wei Xie, Yuchun Zhang, Jikang Li, Pengfei Mao, Longfei Chen, “Experimental study on characteristics of flame spread over diesel and n-butanol pool fires in tunnel”, Tunnelling and Underground Space Technology, 2018, 79, 286-292.

7. Yuchun Zhang, Wei Xie*, Shiming Chen, Tao Li, “Experimental study on descent speed on stairs of individuals and small groups under different visibility conditions”, Fire Technology, 2018, 54(3), 781-796.

8. Dongli Gao, Wei Xie, Eric Wai Ming Lee*, “Individual-level exit choice behaviour under uncertain risk”, Physica A, 2022, 604, 127873.

9. Wei Xie*, Eric Wai Ming Lee, Yuchun Zhang, Chunjie Mou, Wenbin Zhang, Meng Shi, “Evacuation experiment under different visibility conditions: investigating differences between individuals and groups”, 9th International Conference on Fire Science and Fire Protection Engineering, Chengdu, China, Oct 18-20, 2019.

10. Wei Xie, Yuchun Zhang*, Yanying Cheng, Shiming Chen, Xuanwen Liang, Wenbin Zhang, “Experimental Study on Movement Speed and Route Choice of Individuals and Small Groups under Different Visibility Conditions”, 8th International Conference on Fire Science and Fire Protection Engineering, Nanjing, China, Oct 27-29, 2017.

11. Meng Shi, Eric Wai Ming Lee, Yi Ma, Wei Xie, Ruifeng Cao, “The density-speed correlated mesoscopic model for the study of pedestrian flow”, Safety Science, 2021, 133: 105019.

12. Longfei Chen, Shen Du, Yuchun Zhang*, Wei Xie, Kejian Zhang, “Experimental study on the maximum temperature and flame extension length driven by strong plume in a longitudinal ventilated tunnel”, Experimental Thermal and Fluid Science, 2019, 101: 296-303.

13. Ruifeng Cao, Eric Wai Ming Lee, Anthony Chun Yin Yuen*, Qing Nian Chan, Wei Xie, Meng Shi, “Development of an evacuation model considering the impact of stress variation on evacuees under fire emergency”, Safety Science, 2021, 138: 105232.


2021, 2022 Outstanding Academic Performance Award at CityU

2019-2022 UGC-Funded PhD Scholarship

2019 9th International Conference on FSFPE “Excellent Paper Award-First Prize”

2019“Si Shi Yang Hua” Gold Medal (Highest honor for SWJTU students)

2019 Outstanding Graduates of Sichuan Province

2018 National Scholarship for Postgraduates

2018 5th Youth Researchers Forum on Fire Science “Outstanding Paper Award”

2017 Lixin Tang Scholarship  

2017 National Scholarship for Postgraduates

2016 First Honor Graduate Award in SWJTU

2014 Outstanding Exchange Undergraduates(Oklahoma State University, the U.S)

Scientific research project

1. Fundamental Research Funds for the Central Universities, Study on Evacuation Dynamics and Human Behaviour in Emergency under Disaster Conditions, RMB 300,000, as Principal Investigator

2. General Research Fund, 11208119,Development of a Dynamic Relative Competitive-Cooperative Behavioural Model for Building Evacuation Simulation, HKD 748,000, as participant

3. CityU Strategic Research Grant, 7005136, Development of an International Evacuation Model for Reduced Visibility Condition, HKD 100,000, as participant

4. General Research Fund, 11204117, Development of a Dynamic Impatience Model for Building Evacuation Simulation, HKD 582,000, as participant

5. General Research Fund, 11257816, Development of a human-guided building evacuation system by numerical simulation, HKD 675,647, as participant