2003.9-2008.6Bachelor's degree in medicine in the Xiangya School of Medicine of Central South University 2008.9-2011.6 Master of Science degree from Department of psychology, Peking University(Interested in Social Psychology) 2011.9-2014.6 M.D. and Ph.D. in IDMR of Sichuan University(Interested in psychiatry)
Representative research results
Books/Book chapters
Journal papers
1) Tingting Yan(#)(*),QinglianXie,Zhong Zheng,Ke Zou,Lijuan Wang,Different frequency repetitive transcranial magnetic stimulation (rTMS) for posttraumatic stress disorder (PTSD): A systematic review and meta-analysis, Journal of Psychiatric Research,2017,89:125~135
2) Wanjie Tang(#), Jingdong Zhao, Yi Lu,Tingting Yan, Lijuan Wang, Jun Zhang(*), Jiuping Xu(*), Mental health problems among children and adolescents experiencing two major earthquakes in remote mountainous regions: A longitudinal study, Comprehensive psychiatry, 2017, 72 : 66~73
Scientific research project
Study on index system of discharge assessment of disaster victims, ¥ 30Thousand, Sichuan University young teachers' research startup found, Host(Approved)
Cultivation of talents
Co-teachpostgraduate course “Introduction to safety science and disaster reduction” and undergraduate course “Disaster reduction service learning and public welfare leader training”