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Anthony Damien Redmond Visiting Professor

Visiting Professor of Institue for Disaster Management and Reconstruction, Sichuan University

Emeritus Professor of University of Manchester

Head WHO Collaborating Centre for Emergency Medical Teams and Emergency Capacity Building

Deputy Director, Humanitarian and Conflict Response Institute, University of Manchester

Hon Consultant in Emergency Medicine, University Hospital of South Manchester

Emeritus Professor of Emergency Medicine, Keele University

Representative research results

Recent publications:

1. Bartolucci, A., Walter, D. & Redmond, AD., 1 Aug 2019. Comparative Review on the Cost-Effectiveness Analysis of Relief Teams' Deployment to Sudden-Onset Disasters. In: Prehospital and Disaster Medicine. 34, 4, p. 415-421 7 p.

2. Healing, T., Redmond, A. D., Kemp, V., Williams, R. & Maughan, D. (ed.), 2019. Emergencies, Disasters and Risk Reduction: A Microcosm of Social Relationships in Communities. Social Scaffolding: Applying the Lessons of Contemporary Social Science to Health and Healthcare. Williams, R., Kemp, V., Haslam, S. A., Haslam, C., Bhui, K. S. & Bailey, S. (eds.). Cambridge University Press, p. 137–153 17 p.

3. Okello, T. R., Magada, S. M., Atim, P., Ezati, D., Campion, A., Moro, E. B., Huck, J., Burne, G., Redmond, AD. & Nirmalan, M., 2019. Major limb loss (MLL): an overview of etiology, outcomes, experiences and challenges faced by amputees and service providers in the post-conflict period in Northern Uganda. In: Journal of global health. 3

4. Jafar, A. J. N., Fletcher, R. J., Lecky, F. & Redmond, A. D., 2018. A Pilot of a UK Emergency Medical Team (EMT) Medical Record During a Deployment Training Course. In: Prehospital and Disaster Medicine. p. 1-7

5. Oliver, G. J., Walter, D. P. & Redmond, AD.. Are prehospital deaths from trauma and accidental injury preventable? A direct historical comparison to assess what has changed in two decades. May 2017, In: Injury. 48, 5

6. Oliver, G., Walter, D. & Redmond, A. D., May 2017. Prehospital deaths from trauma: Are injuries survivable and do bystanders help? In: Injury: international journal of the care of the injured . 48, p. 985-991 7 p.

7. Redmond, AD., Jafar, A., Alcock, C., Fletcher, R., Hayden, B., Simpson, J., Hughes, T. & Gaffney, P., 20 Apr 2017. Developing a Minimum Summary Sheet for Sudden Onset Disasters: The UK, EMT Approach. In: Prehospital and Disaster Medicine.

8. Redmond, AD., Hughes, T., Alcock, C., Gaffney, P., Jafar, A., Hayden, B. & Simpson, J., 20 Apr 2017. Development of a Secure and Resilient IT System to Deliver an Electronic Patient Record System for Use in a Disaster. In: Prehospital and Disaster Medicine.

9. Redmond, AD., Hughes, T., Alcock, C., Gaffney, P., Jafar, A., Hayden, B. & Simpson, J., 20 Apr 2017. Development of an Electronic Patient Record Structure for use in a Disaster Response. In: Prehospital and Disaster Medicine.

10. Redmond, AD., Maneshi, A., Krishnaraj, G., Von Schreeb, J., Koehler, R. P., Wren, S., Rzepka, V., Rigazzoni, L. & Johnson, K., 20 Apr 2017. International Emergency Medical Teams, A Working Group on Training. In: Prehospital and Disaster Medicine.

11. Burkle, F. M., Erickson, T. B., von Schreeb, J., Redmond, A. D., Kayden, S. & Van Rooyen, M., 18 Feb 2017. A declaration to the UN on wars in the Middle East. In: The Lancet. 389, 10070, p. 699-700 2 p.

12. Redmond, AD., Burkle, F. M., Erickson, T. B., Vanrooyen, M., Kayden, S. & Von Schreeb, J., Feb 2017. Attacks on Hospitals and Healthcare Workers in Syria: A Cry for International Health Neutrality. In: Annals of Global Health.

13. Burkle, F. M., Erickson, T., von Schreeb, J., Kayden, S., Redmond, A., Chan, E. Y. Y., Corte, F. D., Cranmer, H., Otomo, Y., Johnson, K. & Roy, N., 20 Jan 2017. The solidarity and health neutrality of physicians in war & peace. In: PL o S currents. 8, Disasters

14. Redmond, A. D., 2017. Characteristics of Medical Teams in Disaster. In: Prehospital and Disaster Medicine. 32, 6, p. 1 1 p.



1994 Appointed OBE for humanitarian assistance to the former Yugoslavia.

1989 Appointed to the Soviet Order for Personal Courage by Michail Gorbachov in recognition of work done in the aftermath of the Armenian earthquake. The award was presented on behalf of the Soviet President by the Rt. Hon. Margaret Thatcher, Prime Minister, at the Soviet Embassy in London.


2016 Awarded hon membership of the faculty of Public Health for contributions to Public Health

2011 Hon. DSc, University of Glamorgan, in recognition of contribution to disaster medicine.

2011 World Association for Disaster and Emergency Medicine Excellence in Disaster Management Award

2010   Humanitarian Award, International Federation for Emergency Medicine

2008    Appointed Honorary Member of the 48 Group in recognition of humanitarian work in China. This long established organisation aims to develop UK/China links. Its president is The RT Hon Lord Heseltine. The presentation was made by the Chinese Ambassador at the Chinese Embassy.

1992 Civic award “Mancunian of the Year” given by the City of Manchester in recognition of achievements in the field of International Disaster Relief.

1989 Awarded the Diploma of the Soviet Academy of Medical Sciences in recognition of medical contribution to the treatment of the victims of the Armenian earthquake.