High-level foreign professor of Institute for Disaster Management and Reconstruction, Sichuan University. Professor and Chair Emeritus, University of California, School of Medicine, San Francisco, CA. Research area includes psychiatry and health sciences.
Representative research results
1. Books/Book chapters
Emotions in Health and Illness: Foundations of Clinical Practice. Edited by Temoshok L, Van Dyke C, and Zegans L. Grune and Stratton, New York City, 1983.
Emotions in Health and Illness: Applications to Clinical Practice. Edited by Van Dyke C, Temoshok L, Zegans L. Grune and Stratton, New York City, 1984.
Van Dyke C, Byck R: Cocaine: 1884-1974. In Cocaine and Other Stimulants. Edited by Ellinwood EH, Kilbey MM. New York: Plenum Press 1976, pp 1-30.
Byck R, Jatlow P, Barash P, Van Dyke C: Cocaine: Blood levels, excretion, and physiological effects after intranasal application in man. In Cocaine and Other Stimulants. Edited by Ellinwood EH and Kilbey MM. New York: Plenum Press 1976, pp 629-645.
Van Dyke C: Psychosomatic medicine. In Psychiatry: PreTest Self-Assessment and Review. Edited by Nelson JC and Greenfeld D. New York: McGraw-Hill Book Company, 1977 pp 98-118; 1982 pp 91-110; 1985 pp 88-106.
Byck R, Van Dyke C: What are the effects of cocaine in man? In Cocaine 1977. Edited by Petersen R and Stillman RC. Rockville, MD, National Institute on Drug Abuse Research Monograph No. 13, 1977, pp 97-117.
Van Dyke C, Rice D, Pallett P, Leigh H: The effectiveness of psychiatric consultation. Proceedings of the 4th Congress of the International College of Psychosomatic Medicine pp 286-289, 1978.
Van Dyke C, Jatlow P, Ungerer J, Barash P, Byck R: Comparative psychological effects after intranasal application of local anesthetics: Lidocaine and cocaine. Proceedings of the 40th Annual Meeting on Problems of Drug Dependence, 1978, pp 322-332.
Van Dyke C: Cocaine. In ¬Substance Abuse in the United States: Problems and Perspectives. Edited by Lowinson JH, Ruiz P. Baltimore: Williams and Wilkins 1981, pp 158-166.
Paly D, Jatlow P, Van Dyke C, Cabieses F, Byck R: Plasma levels of cocaine in native Peruvian coca chewers. Cocaine 1980: Proceedings of the Interamerican Seminar on Coca and Cocaine. Edited by Jeri FR. Lima, Peru 1980, pp 86-89.
Paly D, Van Dyke C, Jatlow P, Jeri FR, Byck R: Cocaine: Plasma levels after cocaine paste smoking. Cocaine 1980: Proceedings of the Interamerican Seminar on Coca and Cocaine. Edited by Jeri FR. Lima, Peru 1980 pp 106-110.
Jatlow P, Van Dyke C, Barash P, Wilkinson P, Byck R: Analysis of cocaine and its metabolites in biological fluids: Technical, metabolic and pharmacokinetic considerations. Cocaine 1980: Proceedings of the Interamerican Seminar on Coca and Cocaine. Edited by Jeri FR. Lima, Peru 1980, pp 111-119.
Byck R, Van Dyke C, Jatlow P, Barash P: Clinical pharmacology of cocaine. Cocaine 1980: Proceedings of the Interamerican Seminar on Coca and Cocaine. Edited by Jeri FR. Lima, Peru 1980, pp 250-256.
Van Dyke C, Byck R: Cocaine use in man. In Advances in Substance Abuse: Behavioral and Biological Research. Vol. 3, edited by Mello NK. Greenwich, Connecticut: JAI Press 1983, 1-24.
Van Dyke C: Hypochondriasis and hysteria. In Psychiatry in Primary Care Medicine. Edited by Leigh H. New York: Addison-Wesley 1983, pp 189-206.
Van Dyke C: Psychotropic drugs. In Psychiatry in Primary Care Medicine. Edited by Leigh H. New York: Addison-Wesley 1983, pp 383-396.
Van Dyke C, Kaufman IC: Psychobiology of bereavement. In Emotions in Health and Illness: Foundations of Clinical Practice. Edited by Temoshok L, Van Dyke C and Zegans L. New York City: Grune and Stratton 1983, pp 37-49.
Van Dyke C, Goldberg R: Consultation/liaison psychiatry in the general hospital. In Review of General Psychiatry. Edited by Goldman H. Los Altos, Calif., Lange Medical Publications 1984, 1988, 1992, 1995, 2000, pp 522-529.
Van Dyke C, Byck R: Cocaine (revision and update of article which originally appeared in Scientific American). Edited by Long RE: Drugs and American Society, The Reference Shelf, Volume 57, Number 6, New York, H.W. Wilson Co., 1986, pp 60-75.
Tong L, Van Dyke C: Legal and ethical changes in consultation psychiatry. In Consultation-Liaison Psychiatry: 1990 and Beyond. New York: Edited by Leigh H. Plenum Press 1994, pp. 7-27.
Van Dyke C: Psychiatry Overview, In Encyclopedia of the Neurological Sciences. Edited by Aminoff MJ and Daroff RD, Volume 4 Academic Press, San Diego, CA, 2003, pp 74-77.
Young JQ, Van Dyke C: Dependent Personality Disorder, Narcissistic Personality Disorder, Paranoid Personality Disorder, In Ferri’s Clinical Advisor: Instant Diagnosis and Treatment. Edited by Ferri F. Elsevier Moseby 2006, pp. 240-1, 562-3, 615-6.
Van Dyke C: Ethical Perspectives: Clinical Drug Trials in Developing Countries, In Oxford Handbook of Neuroethics. Edited by Illes, J and Sahakian BJ, Oxford, Oxford University Press, 2011, pp. 857-877.
2. Journal papers
Van Dyke C: Oceanographic observations south of Adak Island, summer 1963. U.S. Bureau Comm. Fish, Data Rep., 12, 56 pp.
Van Dyke C, Barash PG, Jatlow P, Byck R: Cocaine: Plasma concentrations after intranasal application in man. Science 171:859-861, 1976.
Byck R, Jatlow P, Barash P, Van Dyke C: Cocaine: Blood levels, excretion and physiological effect after intranasal application in man. Psychopharm Bull 12 (4):47-48, 1976.
Van Dyke C, Byck R, Barash PG, Jatlow P: Urinary excretion of immunologically reactive metabolite(s) after intranasal administration of cocaine as followed by enzyme immunoassay. Clin Chem 23:241-244, 1977.
Baily DN, Van Dyke C, Langou R, Jatlow PI: Tricyclic antidepressants: Plasma levels and clinical findings in overdose. Am J Psychiat 135(11):132-138, 1978.
Van Dyke C, Jatlow P, Ungerer J, Barash PG, Byck R: Oral cocaine: Plasma concentrations and central effects. Science 200:211-213, 1978.
Jatlow PI, Van Dyke C, Barash P, Byck R: Measurement of benzoylecogonine and cocaine in urine, and separation of various cocaine metabolites using reversed-phase high-performance liquid chromatography. J Chromtogr 152:115-121, 1978.
Van Dyke C, Jatlow P, Ungerer J. Barash P, Byck R: Cocaine and lidocaine have similar psychological effects after intranasal application. Life Sci 24(3):271-274, 1979.
Jatlow P, Barash P, Van Dyke C, Radding J, Byck R: Cocaine and succinlycholine sensitivity: A new caution. Anesth Analg (Cleve) 58:235-238, 1979.
Langou RA, Van Dyke C, Tahan SR, Cohen LS: Cardiovascular manifestations of tricyclic antidepressant overdose. Am Heart J 100(4)458-464, 1980.
Van Dyke C, Rice D, Pallett P, Leigh H: Psychiatric consultation: Compliance and level of satisfaction with recommendations. Psychother Psychosom 33:14-24, 1980.
Wilkinson P, Van Dyke C, Jatlow P, Barash P, Byck R: Intranasal and oral cocaine kinetics. Clin Pharm Therap 27:386-394, 1980.
Barash PG, Kopriva CJ, Langou R, Van Dyke C, Jatlow P, Stahl A, Byck R: Is cocaine a sympathetic stimulant during general anesthesia? JAMA 243: 1437-1439, 1980.
Paly D, Jatlow P, Van Dyke C, Jeri FR, Byck R: Plasma cocaine concentrations during cocaine paste smoking. Life Sci 30:731-738, 1982.
Van Dyke C, Ungerer J, Sweeney D, Jatlow P, Barash P, Byck R: Intranasal cocaine: Dose relationships of psychological effects and plasma levels. Int J Psych Med 12:1-13, 1982.
Goldberg RJ, Van Dyke C: Psychiatric consultation: When to request and what to expect. Rhode Island Medical Journal 65:115-121, 1982.
Van Dyke C, Byck R: Cocaine. Sci Amer 246:108-119, 1982.
Geiser MT, Van Dyke C, East R, Weiner M: Psychological reactions to continuous ambulatory peritoneal dialysis. Int'l J Psych Med 13(4):299-307, 1983.
Van Dyke C, Zilberg N, McKinnon J: Posttraumatic stress disorder: A thirty year delay in a World War II veteran. Am J Psych 142:1070-1073, 1985.
Brant-Zawadzki M, Fein G, Van Dyke C, Kiernan R, Davenport L, deGroot J: Magnetic resonance imaging of the aging brain: Patchy white matter lesions and dementia. Am J Neurorad 6:675-682, 1985.
Van Dyke C, Mueller J, Kiernan R: The case for psychiatrists as authorities on cognition. Psychosomatics 28:87-89, 1987.
Merrin EL, Van Dyke C, Cohen S, Tusel DJ: Dual factitious disorder. Gen Hosp Psychiat 8:246-250, 1986.
Van Dyke C, Stesin A, Jones R, Chuntharapai A, Seaman W: Cocaine increases natural killer cell activity in humans. J Clin Invest 77:1387-1390, 1986.
Geracioti TD, Van Dyke C, Mueller J, Merrin E: The onset of Munchausen's syndrome: A case history. Gen Hosp Psych 9:405-409, 1987.
Kiernan RJ, Mueller J, Langston JW, Van Dyke C: The neurobehavioral cognitive status examination: A brief but differentiated approach to cognitive assessment. Ann Int Med 107:481-485, 1987.
Schwamm LH, Van Dyke C, Kiernan RJ, Merrin E, Mueller, J: The neurobehavioral cognitive status examination: Comparison with the Cognitive Capacity Screening Examination and Mini-Mental State Examination in a neurosurgical population. Ann Int Med 107:486-491, 1987.
Eisendrath SJ, Goldman B, Douglass J, Dimatteo L, Van Dyke C: Meperidine-induced delirium. Am J Psych 144:1062-1065, 1987.
Davenport L, Brown FF, Fein G, Van Dyke C: A fifteen-item modification of the Fuld Object - Memory Evaluation: Preliminary data from healthy middle-aged adults. Arch Clin Neuropsychol 3:345-349, 1988.
Fein G, Van Dyke C, Davenport L, Turetsky B, Brant-Zawadzki M, Zatz L, Dillon WP, Valk P: Preservation of normal cognitive functioning in elderly subjects with extensive white-matter lesions of long duration. Arch Gen Psych 47:220-223, 1990.
Sappey-Marinier D, Deicken RF, Fein G, Calabrese G, Hubesch B, Van Dyke C, Dillon W, Davenport L, Meyerhoff D, and Weiner M: Alterations in brain phosphorus metabolite concentrations associated with areas of high signal intensity in white matter at MR imaging. Radiology 183:247-259, 1992.
* Part of core research team.
Sappey-Marinier D, Calabrese G, Hetherington HP, Fisher SNG, Deicken R, Van Dyke C, Fein G, Weiner MW: Proton magnetic resonance spectroscopy of human brain: Applications to normal white matter, chronic infarction, and MRI white matter signal hyperintensities. Magnetic Resonance in Medicine 26:313-327, 1992.
* Part of core research team.
Meyerhoff DJ, MacKay S, Constans J-M, Norman D, Van Dyke C, Fein G, Weiner MW: Axonal Injury and Membrane Alterations in Alzheimer's Disease Suggested by In-Vivo Proton Magnetic Resonance Spectroscopic Imaging. Ann of Neuro 36:40-47, 1994.
* Part of core research team.
Fein G, Biggins C, Van Dyke C: The Auditory P50 Response is Normal in Alzheimer's Disease when Measured via a Paired Click Paradigm. Electroencephalography and Clinical Neurophysiology 92:536-545, 1994.
Van Dyke C, Schlesinger, H.J.: Training the Trainers. Administration and Policy in Mental Health, 25:1: 47-59, 1997.
Van Dyke C: Commentary: Bullish on Psychiatry. Academic Psychiatry, 27:4:235-237, 2003.
Chibber K, Kaplan R I, Padian, N S, Anderson S, Ling P, Acharya N, Van Dyke C, Krishnan S: A Common Pathway Towards Women’s Health. Global Public Health, 3:1:26-38, 2008.
Van Dyke C, Tong L, Mack K: Global mental health curricula for U.S. psychiatric residency training. Academic Psychiatry, 35:354-359, 2011.
Van Dyke C: Research policies for schizophrenia in the global health context. International Journal of Mental Health, 42(1):51-76, Spring 2013.
Acharya B, Hirachan S, Mandel JS, Van Dyke C: The Mental Health Education Gap among Primary Care Providers in Rural Nepal, Academic Psychiatry, 40:4:667-71, 2016.
Acharya B, Tenpa, M, Basnet M, Hirachan S, Rimal P, Choudhury N. Thapa P, Citrin D. Halliday S, Swar SB, Van Dyke C, Gauchan B, Sharma B, Hung E, Ekstrand M. Developing a Scalable Training Model in Global Mental Health: Pilot Study of a Video-Assisted Training Program for Generalist Clinicians in Rural Nepal. Global Mental Health (Camb). 4: e8. PMID. 2017.
1980, 2003 Full-Time Faculty Teaching Award, Department of Psychiatry, University of California, San Francisco, CA
1994 Medical Center Director Commendation, VA Medical Center, San Francisco
2002 Outstanding Achievement Award, Northern California Psychiatric Society
2007 Royer Award, Outstanding Academic Psychiatrist for the Bay Area, University of California, San Francisco, CA