Rajib Shaw is a professor in the Graduate School of Media and Governance in Keio University, Japan. His research areas include disaster governance, community-based disaster risk management, climate change adaptation, urban risk management, and disaster and environmental education. Professor Shaw is the Chair of the United Nations Science Technology Advisory Group (STAG) for disaster risk reduction. He is also the Senior Fellow of Institute of Global Environmental Strategies (IGES) Japan, and the Chairperson of SEEDS Asia and CWS Japan, two Japanese NGOs. Prof. Shaw has published more than 45 books and over 300 academic papers and book chapters.
Representative research results
1. Books
(1) Ray B., and Shaw R. (2019): Urban drought: Emerging water challenges in Asia, Springer Publisher, 427 pages.
(2) Shaw R., Shiwaku K. and Izumi T. (2017): Science and technology in disaster risk reduction: Potentials and challenges, Elsevier Academic Press, 525 pages.
(3) Pal I. and Shaw R. (2017): Disaster risk governance in India and cross cutting issues, Springer Publisher, 413 pages
(4) Djalante R., Garschagen M., Thomalla F. and Shaw R. (2017): Disaster risk reduction in Indonesia: progress, challenges, and issues, Springer Publisher, 668 pages.
(5) Das Gupta R. and Shaw R. (2016): Participatory Mangrove Management in a Changing Climate: Perspective from Asia Pacific, Springer Publisher, 338 pages
(6) Banba M. and Shaw R. (2016): Land use management in disaster risk reduction, Springer, 473 pages.
(7) Shaw R., Rahman A., Surjan A. and Parvin G. (2016): Urban Risk Reduction: Asian perspective, Elsevier Publisher, 370 pages.
(8) Shiwaku K., Sakurai A. and Shaw R. (2016): Disaster resilience of education systems: Experiences from Japan, Springer, 241 pages.
(9) Uitto Y. and Shaw R. (2015): Sustainable Development and Disaster Risk Reduction, Springer, 287 pages.
(10) Srivastava N. and Shaw R. (2015): Occupation-based risk reduction for climate-related hazards, Research Publishers, Singapore, 179 page
(11) Fernandez G. and Shaw R. (2015): Youth participation and community-based disaster risk reduction, Research Publishers, Singapore, 199 pages
(12) Izumi T. and Shaw R. (2015): Disaster management and private sectors: challenges and potentials, Springer, 342 pages
(13) Habiba U., Abedin A., Ragib A. W. and Shaw R. (2015): Food security and risk reduction in Bangladesh, Springer, 272 pages
(14) Rahman A., Khan A., Shaw R. (2015): Disaster Risk Reduction Approaches of Pakistan, Springer Publisher, 394 pages
(15) Shaw R. (2015): Tohoku recovery: Challenges, Potentials and Future, Springer Publisher, 193 pages
(16) Shaw R. (2015): Recovery from the Indian Ocean Tsunami: 10 years Journey, Springer Publisher, 503 pages
(17) Krishna H. and Shaw R. (2015): Mountain Hazards and Disaster Risk Reduction in the Hindu Kush, Springer Publisher
(18) Shaw R. and Oikawa Y. (2014): Education for Sustainable Development and Disaster Risk Reduction, Springer Publisher
(19) Shaw R. and Izumi T. (2014): Civil Society Organizations and Disaster Risk Reduction: An Asian Dilemma, Springer Publisher, 292 pages.
(20) Shaw R. (2014): Community Practices for Disaster Risk Reduction in Japan, Springer Publisher, 239 pages
(21) Matsuoka Y. and Shaw R. (2014): Hyogo Framework for Action and Urban Disaster Resilience, Emerald Publisher, 328 pages
(22) Hori T. and Shaw R. (2014): Local Disaster Risk Management in a Changing Climate: Perspective from Central America, Emerald Publisher, 192 pages
(23) Shaw R. (2013): Disaster Recovery: Used or Mis-used Development Opportunities, Springer Publisher, 431 pages
(24) Abedin A., Habiba U. and Shaw R. (2013): Water insecurity: a social dilemma, Emerald Publisher, UK
(25) Neef A. and Shaw R. (2013): Risk and conflicts: local responses to natural disasters, Emerald Publisher, UK
(26) Shaw R., Mallick F., Islam A. (2013): Disaster Risk Reduction Approaches in Bangladesh, Springer Publisher, 366 pages
(27) Shaw R., Mallick F., Islam A. (2013): Climate Change Adaptation Practices in Bangladesh, Springer Publisher, 417 pages
(28) 清野純史, 藤井 聡, 小林潔司, 鄭 蝦榮, ショウ ラジブ, 竹内裕希子, 平山修久 (2013):
巨大災害と人間の安全保障, 208頁, 芙蓉書房出版
(29) Uy N. and Shaw R. (2012): Ecosystem-based Adaptation, Emerald Publisher, UK, 273 pages
(30) Shaw R. (2012): Community Based Disaster Risk Reduction, Emerald Publisher, UK, 402 pages
(31)) Shaw R. and Takeuchi Y. (2012): East Japan Earthquake and Tsunami: Evacuation, Communication, Education and Voluntarism, Research Publisher, 280 pages
(32) Shaw R. and Tran P. (2012): Environment and Disaster Linkages, Emerald Publisher, UK, 354 pages
(33) Shaw R., Shiwaku K. and Takeuchi Y. (2011): Disaster Education, Emerald Publisher, UK, 162 pages
(34) Shaw R. and Nguyen H. (2011): Droughts in Asian Monsoon Regions, Emerald Publisher, UK, 186 pages
(35) Shaw R. and Sharma A. (2011): Climate and disaster resilience in cities, Emerald Publisher, UK, 287 pages
(36) Abe M., Takeuchi Y. and Shaw R. (2011): Adaptive and sustainable post tsunami human resettlement, RPS, Singapore, 209 pages
(37) Surjan A., Takeuchi Y. and Shaw R. (2011): From Disaster and Climate Risk to Urban Resilience: Approaching through Community Based Environmental Improvement, RPS, Singapore, 282 pages
(38) Shaw R., Pulhin J. and Pereira, J. (2010): Climate Change Adaptation and Disaster Risk Reduction: Issues and Challenges, Emerald Publisher, UK, 391 pages
(39) Shaw R., Pulhin J. and Pereira, J. (2010): Climate Change Adaptation and Disaster Risk Reduction: Asian Perspective, Emerald Publisher, UK, 478 pages
(40) Iwasaki S. and Shaw R. (2010): Integrated Lagoon Fisheries Management: Resource Dynamics and Adaptation, Emerald Publisher, UK, 218 pages
(41) Shaw R. and Thaitakoo D. (2010): Water Communities, Emerald Publisher, UK, June, 2010, 274 pages
(42) Shaw R. and Krishnamurthy R. (2010): Communities and Coastal Zone Management: Research Publication, Singapore, February 2010, 354 pages
(43) Shaw R., Srinivas H. and Sharma A. (2009): Urban Risk Reduction: An Asian Perspective, Emerald Publisher, UK, December 2009, 373 pages
(44) Phong T. and Shaw R. (2009): Integrated river basin management for effective flood risk reduction, Research Publication, Singapore, 268 pages
(45) Shaw R., Sharma A. and Takeuchi Y. (2009): Indigenous Knowledge and Disaster Risk Reduction: From Practice to Policy: NOVA Publication, USA, 490 pages.
(46) Shaw R. and Krishnamurthy R. (2009): Disaster Management: Global challenges and local solutions: University Press and CRC Press, 648 pages
2. Edited Volumes
(1) Shaw R., Wen Jet-chau, Takeuchi Y. (2011): Disaster education and risk communication for climate change adaptation in Japan and Taiwan, Special Volume, in Asian Journal of Environment and Disaster Management, Research Publishers, Volume 3, Number 2, 144 pages
(2) Shaw R. (2008): Indian Ocean Tsunami: Environmental Implications: Special volume in Journal of Environmental Management, Elsevier Publication, October, Volume 89, No. 1, 72 pages
(3) Shaw R. (2006): Indian Ocean Tsunami and Aftermath: Special volume in Disaster Prevention and Management, An International Journal, Emerald Publication
(4) Shaw R. and Rouhban B. (2005): Disaster management and human security: UNESCO-Kyoto University Publication
(5) Shaw R. and Rouhban B. (2005): Education for sustainable development: UNESCO Publication
(6) Srinivas H., Shaw R. and Nakagawa Y. (2004): Environmental management and disaster preparedness: lessons from the Tokage typhoon in Japan, 18 pages, UNEP Publication
(7) Shaw R., Okazaki K. (2004): Sustainability of Community Based Disaster Management in Asia: A User’s Guide, UNCRD Publication
(8) Shaw R., Thiruppugazh V. and Okazaki K. (2004): Post-earthquake reconstruction experiences, 85 pages, GSDMA-UNCRD Publication.
(9) Shaw R. and Okazaki K. (2003): Sustainability in Grass-roots initiatives: focus on community based disaster management, 99 pages, UNCRD Publication
(10) Herath S. and Shaw R. (2003): Catastrophic Urban Flood, 160 pages, UNU Publication
(11) Shaw R. and Okazaki K. (2003): Guidelines for earthquake resistant design, construction and retrofitting of buildings in Afghanistan, 158 pages, UNCRD-MUDH Publication
(12) Okazaki K., Shaw R. and Narita E. (2003): Rehabilitation of Afghanistan and Community Sustainability, 79 pages, UNCRD Publication
(13) Shaw R. et al. (2003): Community based disaster management: concept to reality, 47 pages, FES-SEEDS-UNCRD Publications
(14) Shaw R., Britton N., and Gupta M. (2003): PNY: Towards sustainable community recovery, 43 pages with CD-ROM, EDM-NCPDP-NGOs KOBE- NSET Nepal-SEEDS-UNCRD Publication
(15) Tsunehiro Y., Goda K., Shaw R. (2003): From disaster to community development: The Kobe Experience, 95 pages, UNCRD Publication.
(16) Shaw R. and Okazaki K. (2002): The sustainable community rehabilitation handbook, 26 pages, UNCRD-SEEDS Publication
(17) Okazaki K., Shaw R. and Thiruppugazh V. (2002): Role of non-government organizations: issues for sustainability, 63 pages, UNCRD-GSDMA-NGOs Kobe-SEEDS Publication
(18) Shaw R., Tsunehiro Y. and Thiruppugazh V. (2002): Earthquake disaster mitigation: future needs and challenges, 89 pages, UNCRD-GSDMA Publication
(19) Shaw R. K. et al. (2001): The Bhuj Earthquake of January 26, 2001: Consequences and Future Challenges, 252 pages, EdM-IIT Technical Report
3. Referred Journal Papers
(1) Mavrodieva A., Daramita RI., Arsono A., Yawen L. and Shaw R. (2018): Role of civil society in sustainable urban renewal (machizukuri) after the Kobe earthquake, in Sustainability, 11, 335; doi:10.3390/su11020335
(2) Sadik, M. S., Nakagawa, H., Rahman, R., Shaw, R., Kawaike, K. & Fujita, K., (2018): A Study on Cyclone Aila Recovery in Koyra, Bangladesh: Evaluating the Inclusiveness of Recovery with Respect to Pre disaster Vulnerability Reduction in International Journal of Disaster Risk Science. 9, 1, p. 28-43 16 p.
(3) Ray, B. & Shaw, R. (2018): Changing built form and implications on urban resilience: Loss of climate responsive and socially interactive spaces, in Procedia Engineering. 212, p. 117-124
(4) Shaw R. (2018): Role of Private Sectors in Disaster Risk Reduction: Potential and Challenges, in Journal of Disaster ResearchVol.13 No.7, 1207-1212
(5) Hayashi H., Shaw R. and Doterty B. (2018): Exploring the Possibility of an Online Synthesis System for Disaster Risk Reduction as a Tool to Promote “Consilience” of Knowledge and Practice, in Journal of Disaster ResearchVol.13 No.7, 1213-1221
(6) Koike T., XXX, Shaw R. and Ikeda T. (2018): Role Played by Science and Technology in Disaster Risk Reduction: From Framework Planning to Implementation, in Journal of Disaster ResearchVol.13 No.7, 1222-1232
(7) Kamruzzaman Md and Shaw R. (2018): Flood and Sustainable Agriculture in the Haor Basin of Bangladesh: A Review Paper, in Universal Journal of Agricultural Research 6(1): 40-49
(8) Oktari RS, Shiwaku K., Munadi K., and Shaw R. (2018): Enhancing community resilience towards disaster: The contributing factors of school-community collaborative network in the tsunami affected area in Aceh In International Journal of Disaster Risk Reduction, 29, 3-12
(9) Parvin G., Rahman R., Fujita K., Shaw R. (2018): Overview of flood management actions and policy planning in Bangladesh, in International Journal of Public Policy, Vol 14, No. 5/6, 423-443
(10) Sadik S., Nakagawa H., Rahman R., Shaw R., Kawaike K., Parvin G. and Fujita K. (2018): Humanitarian Aid Driven Recovery of Housing after Cyclone Aila in Koyra, Bangladesh: Characterization and Assessment of Outcome in Journal of Japan Society of Natural Disaster Science, 37. 73-91
(11) Sadik S., Nakagawa H., Rahman R., Shaw R., Kawaike K. and Fujita K. (2018): A Study on Cyclone Aila Recovery in Koyra, Bangladesh: Evaluating the Inclusiveness of Recovery with Respect to Pre-disaster Vulnerability Reduction, in International Journal of Disaster Risk Science, https://doi.org/10.1007/s13753-018-0166-9
(12) Shah A., Shaw R. and others (2018): Current capacities, preparedness and needs of local institutions in dealing with disaster risk reduction in Khyber Pakhtunkhwa, Pakistan, in International Journal of Disaster Risk Reduction, https://doi.org/10.1016/j.ijdrr.2018.11.014
(13) Shi P., Shaw R. and other (2018): Fourteen Actions and Six Proposals for Science and Technology-Based Disaster Risk Reduction in Asia, in International Journal of Disaster Risk Science, https://doi.org/10.1007/s13753-018-0174-9
(14) Fang C., Shaw R. and others (2017): The Sendai Framework for Disaster Risk Reduction 2015-2030 and DBAR DRR, in Chinese Academy of Science, No, 61, 1-10.
(15) Rahman A., Shaw R. and Azam K. (2018): Effectiveness of Disasters and Climate Change Risk Management in Pakistan: Lens of Science and Technology under the Sendai Framework, in Abasyn Journal of Social Sciences – Volume 10, Special Issue November 2017
(16) Das Gupta R. and Shaw R. (2017): Disaster risk reduction: a critical approach, in The Routledge Handbook of Disaster Risk Reduction Including Climate Change Adaptation Routledge https://www.routledgehandbooks.com/doi/10.4324/9781315684260.ch3
(17) Oktari R., Shiwaku K., Munadi K., syamsidik, Shaw R. (2017): Enhancing community resilience towards disaster: The contributing factor of school-community collaborative network in the tsunami affected area in Aceh in International Journal for Disaster Risk Reduction, Volume 29, 3-12.
(18) Scheyvens H., Shaw R. and others (2017): Promoting the landscape approach in Asia-Pacific developing countries: key concepts and ways forward, IGES Policy Brief, Number 37, 12 pages.
(19) Sadik S., Nakagawa H., Rahman, R. and Shaw R. and others (2017): Systematic study of cyclone Aila recovery efforts in Koyra, Bangladesh… in Journal of Society of Natural Disaster Science, 36, 109-121.
(20) Chiba, Y., Shaw, R. & Prabhakar, S. (2017): Climate change-related non-economic loss and damage in Bangladesh and Japan In, International Journal of Climate Change Strategies and Management. 9, 2, p. 166-183
(21) Shaw R., Izumi T. and Shi P. (2016): Perspectives of Science and Technology in Disaster Risk Reduction of Asia, in International Journal of Disaster Risk Science, 7, 329-342.
(22) Parvin G. A., Shimi A. C., Shaw R. and Biswas C. (2016): Flood in a changing climate: the impact on livelihood and how the rural poor cope in Bangladesh, in Climate, 4, 60; doi:10.3390/cli4040060
(23) Das Gupta R. and Shaw R. (2016): Perspective insight into incentive design and sustainability of participatory mangrove management: a case study from the Indian Sundarbans, in Journal of Forest Research, DOI 10.1007/s11676-016-0355-6
(24) Shiwaku K., Ueda Y., Oikawa Y. and Shaw R. (2016): School disaster resilience assessment in the affected areas of East Japan earthquake and tsunami, in Natural Hazards, DOI: 10.1007/s11069-016-2204-5
(25) Poudel S. and Shaw R. (2016): The Relationships between Climate Variability and Crop Yield in a Mountainous Environment: A Case Study in Lamjung District, Nepal, in Climate, Volume 4, No. 13; doi:10.3390/cli4010013
(26) Ueda Y. and Shaw R. (2015): Managing and bridging communities in temporary housing: case of the Great East Japan Earthquake and Tsunami in Kesennuma City, Japan, in Natural Hazards, DOI 10.1007/s11069-015-1984-3
(27) Izumi T. and Shaw R. (2015): A new approach of disaster management in Bangladesh: private sector involvement, in Risk Hazards, Crisis in Public Policy, DOI: 10.1002/rhc3.12069
(28) Oktari R., Shiwaku K., Munadi K., Syamsidik and Shaw R. (2015): A conceptual model of a school-community collaborative network in enhancing coastal community resilience in Banda Aceh, Indonesia, in International Journal of disaster Risk Reduction, http://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/ S2212420915000199
(29) Chatterjee, R., Shiwaku, K., Gupta, R. D., Nakano, G., & Shaw R. (2015): Bangkok to Sendai and beyond: Implications for disaster risk reduction in Asia. International Journal of Disaster Risk Science, 6(2), 177-188.
(30) Matsuura S. and Shaw R. (2015): Exploring the possibilities of school based recovery and community building in Toni district, Kamaishi, in Natural Hazards, Vol. 75, Issue 1, 613-633
(31) Srivastava N. and Shaw R. (2015): Occupational resilience to floods across the urban rural domain in grater Ahmedabad, International Journal of disaster Risk Reduction,http://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S2212420914001228
(32) Abedin A. and Shaw R. (2014): Safe drinking water adaptability for salinity, arsenic and drought risk in southwest of Bangladesh, in Risk Hazards and Crisis in Public Policy, Volume 5, Issue 2, 62-82
(33) Abedin A., Habiba U. and Shaw R. (2014): Community perception and adaptation to safe drinking water scarcity: salinity, arsenic and drought risks in coastal Bangladesh, in International Journal of Disaster Risk Science, DOI 10.1007/s13753-014-0021-6
(34) Das Gupta R. and Shaw R. (2014): An indicator based approach to assess coastal communities’ resilience against climate related disaster in Indian Sundarbans, in Journal of Coastal Conservation, DOI 10.1007/s11852-014-0369-1
(35) Fernandez G. and Shaw R. (2014): Participation of Youth Councils in Local-Level HFA Implementation in Infanta and Makati, Philippines and Its Policy Implications, in Risk Hazards and Crisis in Public Policy, Volume 5, Issue 3, 259-278
(36) Hiwasaki L., Luna M., Syamsidik and Shaw R. (2014): Process for integrating local and indigenous knowledge with science for hydro-meteorological disaster risk reduction and climate change adaptation in coastal and small island communities, International Journal of Disaster Risk Reduction, 10, 15-27.
(37) Joerin J., Shaw R., Takeuchi Y. and Krishnamurthy R. (2014): The adoption of a climate disaster resilience index in Chennai, India, Disaster, 38 (3): 540-561
(38) Krishnamurthy R., DasGupta R., Chatterjee and Shaw R. (2014): Managing the Indian coast in the face of disaster and climate change: a review and analysis of India’s coastal zone management policy, in J. Coastal conservation, DOI 10.1007/s11852-014-0339-7
(39) Srivastava N. and Shaw R. (2014): Establishing parameters for identification of vulnerable occupations in a disaster scenario in Gujarat, India, in Risk Hazards and Crisis in Public Policy, Volume 5, No. 212-238
(40) Luo Y., Shaw R. Lin H. and Joerin J. (2014): Assessing response behavior of debris flow affected communities in Kaohsiung, Taiwan, in Natural Hazards, Vol. 74, Issue 3, 1429-1448
(41) Habiba U. and Shaw R. (2014). Enhancing Farmers Resilience to Cope with Climate Induced Drought in Northwestern Bangladesh. Journal of Disaster Research, Vol.8 No.1, 203-204.
(42) Das Gupta R., Shaw R. (2013): Cumulative impacts of human interventions and climate change in mangrove ecosystem of south and south east Asia: An overview, in Journal of Ecosystem, http://dx.doi.org/10.1155/2013/379429
(43) Basu M. and Shaw R. (2013): Water policy, climate change and adaptation in South Asia, in International Journal of Environmental Studies, DOI:10.1080/ 00207233.2013.781736
(44) Hori T. and Shaw R. (2013): Global climate change perception, local risk awareness and disaster risk reduction: A case study of Cartago city, Costa Rica, in Risk, Hazards and Crisis in Public Policy, 3(4): 77-104
(45) Matsuoka Y. and Shaw R. (2013): Hyogo Framework for Action for an assessment tool of risk reduction: case of Philippines national progress and Makati city, in Risk, Hazards and Crisis in Public Policy, 3(4): 18-39
(46) Matsuoka Y., Shaw R. and Takeuchi Y. (2013): Implementation of Hyogo Framework for Action in Makati, accepted for publication in International Journal of Disaster Resilience for the Built Environment, Volume 4, Issue 1, 23-42
(47) DasGupta, R., & Shaw R. (2013). Changing perspectives of mangrove management in India–An analytical overview. Ocean & Coastal Management, 80, 107-118.
(48) Mulyasari F., Shaw R., and Takeuchi Y.(2013): Women as disaster risk Reduction drivers in Bandung, Indonesia: Paving towards a resilient community, in Disasters (in press)
(49) Mulyasari F. and Shaw R. (2013): Role of women as risk communicators to enhance disaster resilience in Bandung, Indonesia, in Natural Hazards. DOI 10.1007/s11069-013-0798-4
(50) Mulyasari F., Inoue, S., Prashar, S., Isayama, K., Basu M., Srivastava N. and Shaw R. (2013): Disaster preparedness: Looking through the lens of hospitals in Japan, in International Journal of Disaster Risk Science, 4(2): 89-100. doi:10.1007/s13753-013-0010-1
(51) Parvin G. A. and Shaw R. (2013): Role of micro-finance institutions in coastal communities disaster risk reduction, response and recovery: a case study of Hatiya, Bangladesh, Disasters, Vol. 37, Issue 1, 165-184
(52) Srivastava, N. and Shaw R. (2013), Establishing Urban-rural linkage elements for growth and poverty reduction in India, Asian Journal of Environment and Disaster Management, Vol.5, No.1, 81-102
(53) Fernandez, G. and Shaw R. (2013) Youth Participation in Disaster Risk Reduction through Science Clubs in the Philippines. Disasters Journal. UK: Overseas Development Institute
(54) Fernandez, G. and Shaw R. (2013) Youth Council Participation in Disaster Risk Reduction in Infanta and Makati, Philippines: A Policy Review. International Journal of Disaster Risk Science. 4 (3).
(55) Uy, N. and Shaw R. (2013). Ecosystem resilience and community values: Implications to ecosystem-based adaptation. Journal of Disaster Research 8(1), 201-202.
(56) Uy N., Takeuchi Y. and Shaw R. (2012): An ecosystem based resilience analysis of Infanta, Philippines, in Environmental Hazards, 11 (4): 266-282.
(57) Habiba U., Shaw R., Takeuchi Y. (2012): Farmer’s Perception and Adaptation Practices to Cope with Drought: Perspectives from Northwestern Bangladesh, accepted for publication International Journal of Disaster Risk Reduction, http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.ijdrr.2012.05.004
(58) Izumi T. and Shaw R. (2012): Effectiveness and challenges for an Asian NGO network for disaster reduction and response, accepted for publication in Risk, Hazards and Crisis in Public Policy, 2(2), 1-16
(59) Izumi T. and Shaw R. (2012): Role of stakeholders in disaster risk reduction under Hyogo Framework for Action: An Asian Perspective, accepted for publication in Asian Journal of Environment and Disaster Management, Vol. 4, No. 2, 164-182
(60) Joerin J., Shaw R., Takeuchi Y. and Krishnamurthy R. (2012): Assessing community resilience to climate related disasters in Chennai, India, in International Journal of Disaster Risk Reduction, http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.ijdrr.2012.05.006
(61) Joerin J., Shaw R., Takeuchi Y. and Krishnamurthy R. (2012): Action-oriented Resilience Assessment of Communities in Chennai, India, in Environmental Hazards, DOI:10.1080/17477891.2012.689248
(62) Matsuoka Y. and Shaw R. (2012): Improvements and challenges of Japanese disaster management system, in Asian Journal of Environment and Disaster Management, Vol. 4, no. 2, 119-144.
(63) Peary B., Shaw R. and Takeuchi Y. (2012): Utilization of social media in the East Japan Earthquake and Tsunami and its effectiveness, accepted for publication in Journal of Natural Disaster Science, Volume 34, Number 1, 3-18.
(64) Prashar S. and Shaw R. (2012): Urbanization and hydro-meteorological disaster resilience: the case of Delhi, International Journal of disaster resilience for the built environment, volume 3, number 1, 7-19.
(65) Prashar S., Shaw R. and Takeuchi Y. (2012): Community Action Planning in East Delhi: A Participatory Approach to Build Urban Disaster Resilience, accepted for publication in Mitigation and Adaptation Strategies for Global Change, DOI 10.1007/s11027-012-9368-4
(66) Prashar S. and Shaw R. (2012): Disaster resilience of slums in Delhi through appropriate risk communication, in Asian Journal of Environment and Disaster Management, volume 4, number 1, 99-117
(67) Kinh T., Nguyen H. and Shaw R. (2012): Impacts of climate related disaster on fisheries in Danang, Vietnam, in Asian Journal of Environment and Disaster Management, volume 4, number 1, 17-36
(68) Prabhakar SVRK, Iwata Y., Shaw R., Soulakova J., Takeuhci K. Kunita T. (2012): Climate change implications for disaster risk management in Japan: A case study on perceptions of risk management, personnel and communities in Saijo city, in Environmental Hazards, DOI:10.1080/17477891.2011.618821
(69) Fujita K., Shaw R. and Takeuchi Y. (2012): Linking mountain community practices and sediment related disaster risk reduction in Reihoku, Accepted in Asian Journal of Environment and Disaster Management, Vol. 4, No. 2, 224-245.
(70) Tong T., Shaw R. and Takeuchi Y. (2012): Climate Disaster Resilience of the Education Sector in Thua Thien Hue Province, Central Vietnam, Natural Hazards 63(2): 685-709.
(71) Fujita K., Takeuchi Y. and Shaw R. (2011): Voluntary Self-Help Organization and Fire Volunteer for Mountain Disaster Risk Reduction in Reihoku Area, Japan, in Asian Journal of Environment and Disaster Management, Volume 3, number 3, 317-337
(72) Hori T. and Shaw R. (2011): Opportunities and Challenges of Incorporating Climate Change Threats into Disaster Risk Management Planning: A Case Study in Costa Rica, in Risk, Hazards and Crisis in Public Policy, Volume 2, Issue 2, Article 3, DOI: 10.2202/1944-4079.1062
(73) Hori T. and Shaw R. (2011) "Incorporation of Potential Climate Change Impacts into Local Disaster Risk Management in Costa Rica," in Risk, Hazards & Crisis in Public Policy: Vol. 2: Issue. 4, Article 3, DOI: 10.2202/1944-4079.1094
(74) Parvin, G. and Shaw R. (2011) "Climate Disaster Resilience of Dhaka City Corporation: An Empirical Assessment at Zone Level," in Risk, Hazards & Crisis in Public Policy: Vol. 2: Issue. 2, Article 6., DOI: 10.2202/1944-4079.1069
(75) Gwee Q., Takeuchi Y., Jet-chau W., and Shaw R. (2011): Disaster education system in Yunlin county, Taiwan, in Asian Journal of Environment and Disaster Management, Volume 3, Number 2, 189-204
(76) Habiba U., Shaw R. and Takeuchi Y. (2011): Drought risk reduction through SIP approach in northwestern region of Bangladesh, Environmental Hazards, 10, 2, 121-138.
(77) Uy N., Takeuchi Y., Shaw R. (2011): Local adaptation towards livelihood resilience: a case study in Albay, Philippines, in Environmental Hazards, 10, 2, 139-153
(78) Shaw R. (2011): Climate change adaptation research in south Asia: an overview, in Asian Journal of Environment and Disaster Management, Volume 2, Number 4, 397-427
(79) Tran P., Marincioni F. and Shaw R. (2010): Catastrophic flood and forest cover change in the Huong river basin, Central Viet Nam: A gap between common perceptions and facts, in Journal of Environmental Management, 91, 2186-2200
(80) Fujita K. and Shaw R. (2010): Environmental changes and Japan’s forest management, in Asian Journal of Environment and Disaster Management, Volume 2, Number 2, 153-178
(81) Shiwaku K., Fujieda A., Takeuchi Y. and Shaw R. (2010): Utilization of disaster experiences in school disaster education in disaster affected areas, in Journal of Natural Disaster Science, 29-1, 83-95 (in Japanese)
(82) Shimi A. C., Parvin G., Biswas C. and Shaw R. (2010): Impact and adaptation to flood: a focus on water supply, sanitation and health problems of rural communities in Bangladesh, in Disaster Prevention and Management, Volume 19, No. 3, 298-313
(83) Hoang V. H., Shaw R. and Kobayashi M. (2010): Flood risk management in RUA of Hanoi: the need for synergy of urban development and risk management policies. In Disaster Prevention and Management, Volume 19, No. 1, 103-118.
(84) Sugimoto M., Iemura H., Shaw R. (2010): Tsunami high poles and disaster awareness: memory, education and awareness of disaster on the reconstruction for resilient city in Banda Aceh, Indonesia, in Disaster Prevention and Management, Volume 19, No. 5, 527-540
(85) Nguyen H., Prabhakar SVRK, Shaw R. (2009): Adaptive Drought Risk Reduction in Cambodia: Reality, Perceptions and Strategies, in Environmental Hazards, 8, 245-262, Springer Publication.
(86) Surjan A. and Shaw R. (2009): Enhancing disaster resilience through local environmental management: A Case of Mumbai, India: In Disaster Prevention and Management, Volume 1, Number 2, 139-164.
(87) Takeuchi Y. and Shaw R. (2009): Gender dimension in risk communication: A perspective from sediment disaster in Hiroshima, Japan, in RDD Special Volume Gender and Disaster, Vol.30, No.1, 63-75, UNCRD Press.
(88) Imura M. and Shaw R. (2009): Challenges and potentials of post disaster relocation: In Disaster Prevention and Management, Volume 1, Number 2, 197-219.
(89) Mimaki J., Takeuchi Y., Shaw R. (2009): The role of community-based organization in the promotion of disaster preparedness at the community level: a case study of a coastal town in the Kochi Prefecture of the Shikoku Region, Japan. In: Journal of Coastal Conservation, 13: 207-215.
(90) Shaw R. and Takeuchi Y., Krishnamurthy R., Pribadi K., Nianthi R. (2009): Collaborative post tsunami action research: lessons and reflections, in Asian Journal of Environment and Disaster Management, Volume 1, Number 1, 13-24
(91) Iwasaki S. and Shaw R. (2009): Human Security and Coping Brackish Environmental Hazards in Fishing Communities of Songkhla Lake, Thailand, in Asian Journal of Environment and Disaster Management, Volume 1, Number 1, 65-78
(92) Razafindrabe, Bam H. N. Gulsan Ara Parvin, Surjan, Akhilesh, Takeuchi Yukiko, Shaw Rajib (2009): Climate Disaster Resilience: Focus on Coastal Urban Cities in Asia, in Asian Journal of Environment and Disaster Management, Volume 1, Number 1, 101-116
(93) Shaw R. (2008): An overview of urban risk in South Asia: issues, approaches and thoughts, In Journal of South Asia Disaster Studies, Volume 1, Number 1, 69-84.
(94) Shaw R. (2008): Kechamatan development Program, Indonesia, Case study in Building Resilient Communities, the World Bank, 243-267.
(95) Shaw R. (2008): Malawi Social Action Fund, Case study in Building Resilient Communities, the World Bank, 281-296.
(96) Shaw R. (2008): Pakistan Poverty Alleviation Fund, Case study in Building Resilient Communities, the World Bank, 297-316.
(97) Iwasaki S. and Shaw R. (2008): Fishery Resource Management in Chilika Lagoon: A Study on Coastal Conservation in the Eastern Coast of India, in: Journal of Coastal Conservation, 12, 43-52.
(98) Parvin G., Takahashi F., Shaw R. (2008): Coastal hazards and community coping methods in Bangladesh, Journal of Coastal Conservation, 12, 181-193.
(99) Rekha Nianthi and Shaw R. (2008): Climate change research in Sri Lanka: In Special Volume on Sri Lanka, 73-96.
(100) Razafindrabe B., Bin H., Inoue S., Ezaki T. and Shaw R. (2008): The role of forest sand density in controlling soil erosion: implications to sediment related disasters in Japan. In Environmental Monitoring and Assessment, DOI 10.1007/s10661-008-0699-2
(101) Prabhakar SVRK, Srinivas A., Shaw R. (2008): Climate change and local level disaster risk reduction planning: need, opportunities and challenges, In: Mitigation and Adaptation Strategies of Global Climate Change, DOI 10.1007/s11027-008-9147-4
(102) Surjan A. and Shaw R. (2008): ‘Eco-city’ to ‘Disaster Resilient Eco-Community’: a concerted approach in the coastal city of Puri, India: In Sustainability Science, 3, 249-265.
(103) Shiwaku K. and Shaw R. (2008): Proactive co-learning: A new paradigm in disaster education. In Disaster Prevention and Management, An International Journal, Vol. 17, No. 2, p. 183-198.
(104) Shaw R. and Takeuchi Y. (2007): Indigenous knowledge and technology for disaster reduction: In: Asia Pacific Tech Monitor, special volume, Nov-Dec, 20-26.
(105) Prabhakar SVRK and Shaw R. (2007): Climate change adaptation implication and drought risk mitigation: a perspective from India. In: Climatic Change, 88, 113-130.
(106) Mimaki J. and Shaw R. (2007): Enhancement of disaster preparedness with social capital and community capacity: A perspective from a comparative case study of rural communities in Kochi, Japan. In: SUISUI Hydrological Research Letters 1, 5-10
(107) Tran P., Shaw R., Chantry G. and Norton J., (2007): GIS and local knowledge in disaster management: A Case study of flood risk mapping of Vietnam: In Disasters, 33(1), 152-69
(108) Tran P., Marincioni F., Shaw R., Sarti M. and An L.V. (2008): Flood Risk Management in Central Viet Nam: Challenges and Potentials. In Natural Hazards, 46, 119-138.
(109) Tran P. and Shaw R. (2007): Towards an integrated approach of disaster and environmental management: A case study of Thua Thien Hue province in Central Vietnam: In Environmental Hazards 7(4): 271-282
(110) Miyaguchi T. and Shaw R. (2007): Corporate community interface in disaster management: A preliminary study from Mumbai, India. In Risk Management, 9, 209-222.
(111) Hoang V. H., Shaw R. and Kobayashi M. (2007): Flood risk management in RUA of Hanoi: importance of community perception in catastrophic flood risk in disaster risk planning. In Disaster Prevention and Management, An International Journal: 16 (2), 245-258.
(112) Shiwaku, K., Shaw R., Kandel R.C., Shrestha S. and Dixit A. (2007): Future perspective of school disaster education in Nepal: Disaster Prevention and Management, An International Journal. Vol. 16, No. 4, 576-587
(113) Shiwaku, K., Shaw R., Kandel R.C., Shrestha S. and Dixit A. (2006): Promotion of Disaster Education in Nepal: The Role of Teachers as Change Agents: International Journal of Mass Emergency and Disasters, Vol. 24, No.3: 403-420.
(114) Shaw R. (2006): Critical issues of community based flood mitigation: examples from Bangladesh and Vietnam, Journal of Science and Culture, Special Issue on Flood Disaster Risk Reduction in Asia, volume 72, No. 1-2, 62-71.
(115) Shaw R. (2006): Indian Ocean tsunami and aftermath: need for environment-disaster synergy in the reconstruction process, Special volume In Disaster Prevention and Management, An International Journal, vol. 50, no.1, p 5-20.
(116) Uitto J. and Shaw R. (2006): Adaptation to changing climate: promoting community based approaches to developing countries, Sansai, Vol.1, page 93-108.
(117) Shaw R. (2006): Critical issues of community based flood mitigation: examples from Bangladesh and Vietnam, In Japanese: Journal of Natural Disaster Science, 24-3, page 234-246.
(118) Nakagawa Y. and Shaw R. (2004): Social Capital: A missing link to disaster recovery, International Journal of Mass Emergency and Disaster, Volume 22, no. 1, 5-34
(119) Shaw R., Shiwaku K., Kobayashi H. and Kobayashi M. (2004): Linking experience, knowledge, perception and earthquake preparedness, In Disaster Prevention and Management, Volume 13. No.1, 39-49.
(120) Shaw R. and Goda K. (2004): From disaster to sustainable community planning and development: the Kobe Experiences, In Disaster, 28 (1), 16-40.
(121) Shaw R. (2003): Role of non-government organizations in earthquake disaster management: as Asian perspective, In Regional Disaster Dialogue, Volume 24, No. 1, 117-129.
(122) Sharma A., Gupta M., Bajaj R. and Shaw R. (2003): From disaster to sustainable community recovery: challenges and lessons learned, In Regional Disaster Dialogue, Volume 24, No. 1, 53-61.
(123) Okazaki K. and Shaw R. (2003): Empowerment of local people for sustainable disaster mitigation: experiences from developing countries, In Regional Development Dialogue, Volume 24, No. 1, 3-14.
(124) Shaw R. K. and Sinha R. (2003): Towards sustainable recovery: future challenges after Gujarat earthquake, In Risk Management: An International Journal, Volume 5, No.2, 35-51.
(125) Shaw R., Gupta M., and Sharma A. (2003): Community recovery and its sustainability: lessons from Gujarat earthquake of India, In Australian Journal of Emergency Management, Volume 18, No. 2, 28-34.
(126) Shaw R. K. et al. (2002) International Cooperation in the post-disaster scenario: A case study from Gujarat, India. Journal for Natural Disaster Science, Volume 24, N. 2, 73-82
(127) Shaw R. K. and Sinha R. (2001): Preliminary observations and aftermath of Gujarat earthquake India, GIS and Development, vol. 3, pp 10-12.
(128) Shaw R. K. and Arima M. (1998): A corundum-quartz assemblage from the Eastern Ghats Granulite Belt, India: evidence for high P-T metamorphism? In Journal of Metamorphic Geology, Volume 16, No. 2, 189-196, Blackwell Science Inc.
(129) Shaw R. K. et al. (1997): Proterozoic events in the Eastern Ghats Belt, India: evidence from Rb-Sr, Sm-Nd systematics and SHRIMP dating. In Journal of Geology, Volume 105, 645-656, Chicago University Press
(130) Shaw R. K. and Arima M. (1997): Retrograde pressure-temperature path for spinel-bearing metapelites in Rayagada, Eastern Ghats, India In Journal of Mineralogy and Petrology, Volume 60, 41-59, Springer Verlag
(131) Shaw R. K. and Arima M. (1996): High-temperature metamorphic imprint on calc-silicate granulites of Rayagada, Eastern Ghats, India: Implication for the isobaric cooling path, In Contribution to Mineralogy and Petrology, Volume 126(1/2), 169-180, Springer Verlag
(132) Shaw R K. and Arima M. (1996): Mineral chemistry, reaction textures, thermobarometry and P-T path from orthopyroxene granulites of Rayagada, Eastern Ghats, India, In Journal of South East Asian Earth Sciences, Volume 14/4, 175-184, Elsevier Science Ltd.
(133) Shaw R. K. (1996): Structural features of granulites from Rayagada, Eastern Ghats, India, some preliminary observations, In Journal of Mineralogy, Petrology and Economic Geology, Sendai, Japan
(134) Shaw R. K., Venkatesh T.L. and Gupta A.K.(1993): Experimental Study of the System Fluorapatite-Chlorapatite Under 10 and 12 Kbar at 640, 750 and 900deg C, In National Academy of Science Letters, Volume 16, 27-36, India
CLA, IPCC 6th Assessment Report, Asia Chapter
Scientific research project
Recent Projects (on-going and / or completed from 2004 onward)
1.Smart water solutions: Keio University
2.Japan India Bilateral project on urban rural linkages: JSPS and ICSSR
3.Movable Nexus: water food energy: Belmont Forum/ JST
4.Innovative disaster education: JSPS
5.East Japan Earthquake and Tsunami Recovery: CWS and MERCY Malaysia
6.Myanmar Education Emergency Project: UNESCO
7.Vietnam Climate Change Education Project: UNESCO
8.Climate change adaptation in agriculture sector: IFAD
9.Regional network on Climate Change Adaptation: Asia/ Mitsui Foundation
10.Indigenous knowledge and disaster risk reduction in Asia: General/ JSPS
11.Responding to natural disaster through a community driven approach: Indonesia, Pakistan and Malawi/ The World bank
12.Community Resilience of Indian Ocean Tsunami, India, Indonesia and Sri Lanka/ UN ISDR
13.Training Module Development and Follow-Up Training Programming on Community-Based Disaster Management for the Community-Based Settlement Rehabilitation and Reconstruction Project for Aceh and North Sumatra (CSRRP), Indonesia/ The World Bank
14.Community based coastal zone management in India and Japan: JSPS
15.Reducing disaster and environmental risk through development of water community: Malaysia, Vietnam and Japan / JSPS
16.Environmental Awareness at Local Level: Eco-communities in Danag, Central Vietnam / Kyoto University GSGES
17.Enhancing Human Security, Environment and Disaster Management: Focus on Central Viet Nam / ADB
18.Case Study on Community’s Perceptions and Adaptation Mechanisms to Climate Change in Bangladesh / KU GSGES
19.Enhancing Community Resilience to Cope with Natural Disasters in Central Vietnam / JSPS
20.Development of Country-Specific Educational Materials, Philippines / The World Bank
21.Community Based Financial Risk Management, Philippines/ The World Bank
22.Training and Capacity Enhancement of Local Governments in the Earthquake Affected Areas of Pakistan /UN ISDR
23.Post Disaster Reconstruction Learning of Indian Ocean Tsunami: Towards its Application to Pre Disaster Preparedness in Vulnerable Developing Countries (Indonesia, India and Sri Lanka)/ FON
24.Participatory Urban Risk Management: Training Program on Education for Sustainable Development, Asia Pacific Region / UNESCO ACCU
25.Community Participation in Enhancing Actions on Environment and Disaster Management: Japanese Experiences/ Saijo City Government
26.Environment and Disaster Management Education for Sustainable Development: Through Action Research in Japan and Nepal/ Nihon Shoken
27.Investigation on Community Resilience in Monsoon Affected Central Vietnam -Towards innovative disaster management process/ JSPS
28.Climate change adaptation to drought and its implication to disaster management: Focus on the Mekong region (Laos, Cambodia and Vietnam)/ KU GSGES
29.Developing Decision Support Tool for Mainstreaming Hazard Risk Management in Poverty Reduction Strategy (Philippines and Vietnam) / The World Bank
30.Community Based Disaster Education in Saijo, Japan/ Saijo City Government
31.Disaster Reduction Hyperbase: Application to Asian Region (General) / JST
32.Computer-based Tool for Infrastructure Risk Assessment and Mitigation (General) / The World Bank
33.International Framework for Development of Disaster Reduction Technology List on Implementation Strategies (General) / JST
34.International Cooperation on Education and Research: Focusing on Environment and Disaster Management, Sustainable Development and Human Security in Asia/ KU GSGES
35.Community-level Climate Change Adaptation and Policy Issues: Inter-linkages of environment, poverty and livelihood, India / UNU
36.Education for Sustainable Development: Disaster Reduction and Human Security (General)/ UNESCO
37.Catastrophic Flood Risk Assessment: Demonstration Project in Hanoi, Vietnam/ UNU
38.Case Station and Field Campus: For Implementation Research and Innovation, Nepal and India/ JSPS
39.NDMP (National Disaster Management Plan): Dissemination for Community Based Disaster Management, Afghanistan/ UNAMA