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Yih-Chi Tan Visiting professor

Visiting professor at Institute for Disaster Management and Reconstruction, Sichuan University. Professor of the Department of Bio-Environmental Systems Engineering, National Taiwan University, Director of the Research Center for Climate and Weather Disasters, National Taiwan University. Cornell University, Ph.D. in Bioenvironmental Engineering.

Representative research results


1. Shih-Ching Wu, Kai-Yuan, Ke, Hsien-Tsung Lin, Yih-Chi Tan*;  Optimization of Groundwater Quality Monitoring Network using Risk Assessment and Geostatistic Approach, Water Resour Manage (2017) 31:515–530, (* Corresponding Author)


2. P.C Chen, Y.C Tan*, M.H Chuang , K.C Ma. A General Solution for Groundwater Flow in an Estuarine Leaky Aquifer System after Considering Aquifer Anisotropy .Hydrological Processes, Volume 30, Issue 12, (2016), Pages: 1862–1871 (* Corresponding Author)


3. T. Y. Pan, L. Y. Chang, J. S. Lai, H. K. Chang, C. S. Lee and Y. C. Tan (2014), “Coupling typhoon rainfall forecasting with overland-flow modeling for early warning of inundation,” Natural Hazards, 70 (3), pp. 1763-1793.

4. F.Z. Lee, J.S. Lai*, Y.C. Tan and C.C. Sung, (2014), “Turbid density current venting through reservoir outlets,” KSCE Journal of Civil Engineering, 18(2):694-705.

5. T.Y. Pan, M.Y. Li, Y.J. Lin, T.J. Chang, J.S. Lai, and Y.C. Tan, (2014), “Sensitivity analysis of the hydrological response of the Gaoping river basin to radar-raingauge quantitative precipitation estimation,” Hydrological Sciences Journal, 59 (7), pp.1335-1352.


6. Hsien-Tsung Lin, Kai-Yuan Ke, Yih-Chi Tan*, Shih-Ching Wu, Gao Hsu, Po-Chia Chen, and Shi-Ting Fang, Estimating Pumping Rates and Identifying Potential Recharge Zones for Groundwater Management in Multi-Aquifers System, Water Resources Management, Volume 27, Issue 9 (2013), Page 3293-3306 (SCI) (IF= 2.054, 5-year IF=2.359, Rank 9/78=11.5%) (* Corresponding Author)

7. Tsung-Yi Pan, Yi-Ting Yang *, Hung-Chi Kuo, Yih-Chi Tan, Jihn-Sung Lai, Tsang-Jung Chang, Cheng-Shang Lee, Kathryn Hua Hsu. 2013. Improvement of watershed flood forecasting by typhoon rainfall climate model with an ANN-based southwest monsoon rainfall enhancement. Journal of Hydrology (In press) (IF=2.964)

8. Fong-Zuo Lee, Jihn-Sung Lai *, Yih-Chi Tan, (2013), “Turbid density current venting through reservoir outlets,” KSCE Journal of Civil Engineering. (accepted) (IF=0.383)

9. Hsiang-Kuan Chang, Yih-Chi Tan, Jihn-Sung Lai *, Tsung-Yi Pan, Tzu-Ming Liu and Ching-Pin Tung, (2013), “Improvement of drainage system for flood management with assessment of climate change effects,” Hydrological Sciences Journal. (IF=1.114)

10. Keshav Rajdhikari ,Yih-Chi Tan*, and Jihn-Sung Lai, IMPROVING FARMERS’ ACCESS TO IRRIGATION IN THE BUFFER -ZONE: AN EFFECTIVE WAY TO CONSERVE BIODIVERISTY IN CHITWAN NATIONAL PARK OF NEPAL, Accepted March 27, 2013, by Irrigation and Drainage, (SCI) (IF= 0.922, 5-year IF=1.127, Rank 42/78=53.8%)

(* Corresponding Author)


Cornell University Hu Shi Scholarship; National Taiwan University Teaching Excellence Award; 2015 Water Conservancy Outstanding Contribution Award; 2016 Dayu Award (Lifetime Achievement Award).