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男,汉族,1982年11月出生,江西吉安人。2008年6月河海大学岩土工程博士毕业,同年7月进入四川大学水利水电学院工作。现任教授,中国岩石力学与工程学会第九届青年科技奖、四川省第十五届青年科技奖获得者。主要学术兼职有:中国岩石力学与工程学会滑坡与工程边坡分会常务理事、中国水力发电工程学会科学技术委员会委员等;Bulletin of Engineering Geology and the Environment、Journal of Mountain Science、工程科学与技术等期刊编委。主要从事岩土灾害机理与防控方面的教学研究工作。在ENG GEOL、Landslides等上发表SCI论文数十篇,相关论文获《工程地质学报》2019年优秀论文、《水利学报》创刊60周年最具人气论文、China Rock 2018大会优秀论文等。




1. Jia-wen Zhou, Nan Jiang, Hai-bo Li*, 2023. Automatic discontinuity identification and quantitative monitoring of unstable blocks using terrestrial laser scanning in large landslide during emergency disposal. Landslides, doi: 10.1007/s10346-023-02169-6.

2. Jie-yuan Zhang, Xing-guo Yang, Gang Fan, Hai-bo Li, Jia-wen Zhou*, 2023. Physical and numerical modeling of a landslide dam breach and flood routing process. Journal of Hydrology, 628: 130552.

3. Jun-lin Chen, Hai-bo Li, Nan Jiang, Qin Chen, Jia-wen Zhou*, 2023. A method for automatic assessment of rockfall susceptibility based on high-resolution point clouds. Rock Mechanics and Rock Engineering, doi: 10.1007/s00603-023-03651-2.

4. Nan Jiang, Hai-bo Li, Cong-jiang Li, Huai-xian Xiao, Jia-wen Zhou*, 2022. A fusion method using terrestrial laser scanning and unmanned aerial vehicle photogrammetry for landslide deformation monitoring under complex terrain conditions. IEEE Transactions on Geoscience and Remote Sensing, 60: 4707214.

5. Shi-lin Zhang, Yue-ping Yin, Hai-bo Li, Wen-pei Wang, Jia-wen Zhou*, 2022. Transport process and mechanism of the Hongshiyan rock avalanche triggered by the 2014 Ludian earthquake, China. Landslides, 19: 1987-2004.

6. Jia-wen Zhou*, Hai-bo Li, Gong-da Lu, Yue Zhou, Jie-yuan Zhang, Gan Fan, 2021. Initiation mechanism and quantitative mass movement analysis of the 2019 Shuicheng catastrophic landslide. Quarterly Journal of Engineering Geology and Hydrogeology, 54: qjegh2020-052.

7. Shun-chao Qi, Dao-sheng Ling, Qiang Yao, Gong-da Lu, Xing-guo Yang, Jia-wen Zhou*, 2021. Evaluating slope stability with 3D limit equilibrium technique and its application to landfill in China. Engineering Geology, 280: 105939.

8. Hai-bo Li, Shun-chao Qi, Xing-guo Yang, Xiao-wen Li, Jia-wen Zhou*, 2020. Geological survey and unstable rock block movement monitoring of a post-earthquake high rock slope using terrestrial laser scanning. Rock Mechanics and Rock Engineering, 53: 4523-4537.

9. Yu-xiang Hu, Zhi-you Yu, Jia-wen Zhou*, 2020. Numerical simulation of landslide-generated waves during the 11 October 2018 Baige landslide at the Jinsha River. Landslides, 17: 2317-2328.

10. Hai-Bo Li, Xiao-wen Li, Wan-zhou Li, Shi-lin Zhang, Jia-wen Zhou*, 2019. Quantitative assessment for the rockfall hazard in a post-earthquake high rock slope using terrestrial laser scanning. Engineering Geology, 248: 1-13.



