Basanta Raj Adhikari,奥地利维也纳大学地球科学博士。研究兴趣是气候变化,山坡运动和人与人之间的相互作用,喜马拉雅沉积物通量的产生,基于社区的减少各种自然灾害的灾害风险,例如滑坡,洪水,地震。 他在国内和国际期刊上发表了十多篇研究论文,并因其在地球科学领域的工作获得了各种认可。
• Adhikari, B.R., 2016, Land and Soil, Compendium of Environment Statistics, Central Bureau of Statistics, Government of Nepal, 176p.
• Devkota, S. and Adhikari, B.R., 2015, Development of Ecosystem based Sediment Control Techniques and Design of Siltation Dam to Protect Phewa Lake, Government of Nepal/United Nations Development Programmes (UNDP), 64p.
• Adhikari, B.R. and Suwal, M.K., 2013, Hydrogeological Study in BangsingDeurali VDC, Syangja, An Ecosystem-based Adaptation in Mountain Ecosystem in Nepal, IUCN, Nepal, 60p.
• Yoshida, M., Upreti, B.N., Rai, S.M., Bhattarai, T.N., Ulak, P.D., Gajurel, A. P., Dahal, R. K., Dhakal, S., Koirala, M. P., Sharma, L. N. and Adhikari, B.R., 2011, Guidebook for Himalayan Trekkers (Series No. 2), Eco-trekking in the Everest Region, Eastern Nepal, Department of Geology, Tri-Chandra Multiple campus, Tribhuvan University, 192p.
• Adhikari, B.R., “River degradation: Issues and Challenges” by Lambert Academic Publishing, Germany, December 2011.
• Adhikari, B.R., Nidal, N., Yadav, B.K. and Awasthi, S., 2017, Landslide risk assessment of the Patlekhet landslide, Myagdi district, Nepal, Journal of the Institute of Engineering (accepted).
• Gnyawali, K.R. and Adhikari, B.R., 2017, Spatial Relations of Earthquake Induced Landslides Triggered by 2015 Gorkha Earthquake Mw=7.8, Landslide research and risk reduction for advancing culture of living with natural hazards, Advancing Culture of Living with landslides, M. Mikos et al. (eds.) Spinger Publication, pp-85-93.
• Rai, S.M., Upreti, B.N., Shakal, S., Bhattarai, T.N., AdhiKari, B.R., Bajracharya, S.R. and Yoshinda, M., 2017, Climate Change Impact on Glacier Retreat and Local Community in the Langtang Valley, Central Nepal, Journal of Development Innovations, Vo. 1, No. 1, pp. 45-59.
• Bicker, J.D., Schwanghart, W., Adhikari, B.R., Moriguchi, S., Roeber, V. and Giri, S., 2017, Performance of models for flash flood warning and hazard assessment: the 2015 Kali Gandaki landslide breach in Nepal, Journal of Mountain Resear
• “Young Affiliates” Third World Academy of Sciences (TWAS).
• "Young Scientist" Integrated Research on Disaster Risk, 2017
• "Established Scientist Award" in European Geoscience Union (EGU)-2016.
• NFP for short course on “Rock and Soil Mechanics in engineering geology”, University of Twente, The Netherlands, January 7-March 8, 2012.
• Research grant on “The impact of climate change on glacial retreat, mass movement hazards and local community in higher Himalaya of Nepal: Case study of LangtangKhola watershed” 2010, by Ministry of Environment, Government of Nepal.
• Research grant on “Assessment of Status of Ibisbill Ibidorhyncha Struthersii for adaptation of Climate change in central Nepal” 2010, by National Adaptation program for Action, Ministry of Environment, Government of Nepal.
• Nepal BiddhyaBhusan Nepal (Ka), 2010, Ministry of Education, Government of Nepal.