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IDMR Provided an Online Lecture for Visiting Researchers from Asia Disaster Reduction Center

Time: Tue, May 30 2023 10:13 Click:

In the afternoon of November 6, 2018, Associate Professor Tian Bingwei whom from Institute for Disaster Management and Reduction gave an online lecture about "GIS for Disaster Risk Mapping and Management in the Framework of Sentinel Asia" for visiting researchers from Asia Disaster Reduction Center(ADRC). Ms. Borah Mridusmita from India、Ms. Shaufa Aminath from Maldives、Ms. Azis Mazni from Malaysia、Ms. Amelie Lisa Hoffarth from Germany、Dr. Anastacia Kvasha from Russia、Dr. Shiomi Yumi from Japan joined the remote lecture. They all come from the department which related to disaster prevention and mitigation in their own countries.

This course is one of the compulsory short courses for visiting researchers who studies in ADRC. It is also GIS capacity building course for the “Sentinel Asia” project. The duration of the course is generally from 3 to 5 days. It mainly teaches how to apply GIS technology for risk analysis and mapping. Meanwhile, the researchers will go to Kobe University and surrounding watershed areas to conduct risk investigation, mapping and report. At last, the visiting researchers shared the content of risk analysis reports. Associate Professor Tian Bingwei as a visiting researcher of ADRC gives this lecture twice a year for the visiting researchers. Online teaching has been used for the first time at this year. It is also the 8th time to teach the course of “Applying GIS in disaster risk mapping” for visiting researchers from ADRC since 2013.  The visiting researchers said that the online remote teaching was very impressive and effective for the 1st time.