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Dr. Glenn Fernandez joins the Future Earth Assembly

Time: Tue, May 30 2023 10:20 Click:

Dr. Glenn Fernandez, an Associate Professor at IDMR, has joined the Future Earth Assembly as one of the ten representatives of Early Career Researchers across the world. He is the only representative from Southeast Asia. Future Earth is a global initiative focused on advancing Sustainability Science. It is composed of researchers and scholars from various parts of the world, across different societal and academic sectors, and across the natural, social, and human sciences. The vision of Future Earth is a sustainable and equitable world for all. The Assembly provides a platform for broad consultation and enables the full community to participate in the development of Future Earth core agenda, strategies, activities, and structures.

Earlier this year, in June 2021, after a competitive global call for applications, Dr. Fernandez was chosen as the Early Career Champion for the “Sustainable Solutions from the Global South” pillar of the 2021 Sustainability Research and Innovation Congress organized by Future Earth and hosted from Brisbane, Australia. The congress has more than 2,000 participants from 100 countries.

Dr. Fernandez obtained his graduate diploma in Environment and Natural Resources Management from the University of the Philippines and his Master’s in Environmental Management (specializing in Sustainability Science) and PhD in Global Environmental Studies from Kyoto University in Japan. He has ongoing research projects related to disaster waste management, nature-based solutions for tsunami mitigation, youth participation in disaster risk reduction, and science diplomacy for DRR. He is a Licensed Environmental Planner in the Philippines.

More information about Future Earth, its activities, and how to join its community can be found on its website: