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Dr. Glenn Fernandez conferred a Presidential Award in the Philippines

Time: Tue, May 30 2023 10:21 Click:

IDMR faculty member Dr. Glenn Fernandez was conferred the Philippine Presidential Pamana ng Pilipino Award during an awarding ceremony at the Manila Marriott Hotel on June 29, 2022. This award is bestowed upon overseas Filipino individuals who have brought the Philippines honor and recognition through excellence and distinction in the pursuit of their work or profession.

President Rodrigo Duterte recognizes the outstanding contributions of Dr. Fernandez in disaster risk management and for being one of the leading champions of evidence-based youth participation in disaster risk reduction in the Philippines and Asia. The nomination of Dr. Fernandez for the prestigious award was endorsed by the Philippine Embassy in Beijing. IDMR Dean Professor Gretchen Kalonji provided a testimonial letter supporting Dr. Fernandez’s nomination.
In 2019, Dr. Fernandez was chosen as one of the Ten Outstanding Young Men (TOYM) awardees in the Philippines for his research on and advocacy for the active involvement of young people in disaster preparedness, emergency response, and recovery and reconstruction. He was the founding president of the Philippine chapter of U-INSPIRE, the Asian platform for youth leadership in DRR.