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Disaster Reduction Academic Seminar (16)

Title:Recent Developments in Infrastructure Monitoring and Rehabilitation

Speaker:Professor Xinqun Zhu


Venue:C312, Institute for Disaster Management and Reconstruction


The civil infrastructures are subject to continuous degradation due to the environmental factors of ageing and excessive loading. Recently, the development of a health monitoring system to ensure the reliability and safety of structures has received considerable attention. The catastrophic Minnesota River Bridge collapse in the USA in 2007 highlighted the importance of accurately assessing, maintaining and prolonging the design life of our aging infrastructure. According to the USA 2017 Infrastructure Report Card, approximately one in 11 of bridges were structurally deficient in 2016. Many bridges are approaching the end of their design life. Similar conditions also exist in Australia where the Australian 2010 Infrastructure Report Card rated Roads as C to D and Rail as D+. That means major/critical changes are required to enable infrastructure to be fit for its current and anticipated future purposes. This highlighted the urgent need for government organisations and industry to develop efficient and accurate asset management systems for better servicing and maintaining the existing infrastructures. Accurate and efficient structural health monitoring techniques are a crucial part of these asset management systems. This presentation is to introduce recent developments in infrastructure monitoring and rehabilitation.

Short Biography

Dr Xinqun Zhu obtained his PhD at the Hong Kong Polytechnic University in 2001. Currently, he is an Associate Professor in Structural Engineering at University of Technology Sydney (UTS). His research interests include structural health monitoring and condition assessment, Bridge Weigh-In-Motion for transportation infrastructure safety, Steel-Concrete Composite Structures, advanced signal processing and sensor technology. Dr Zhu has been a Chief Investigator (CI) of over 20 research projects including two ARC Discovery Grants (DP110101328, DP160103197). Currently, he is the lead CI of the ARC Discovery project (DP160103197) on “Development of a mobile sensory system for bridge health monitoring”. He has published over 200 articles including two research books, two proceedings, three special journal issues, 112 referred journal papers and 88 refereed conference papers in his areas of expertise. His journal papers have been well-cited with a Scopush index of 26 and the Google Scholar h-index of 28. He is a member of the American Society of Civil Engineers (ASCE), the Executive Committee of Australian Network of Structural Health Monitoring and the Structural Health Monitoring and Control Committee in Engineering Mechanics Institute of ASCE. He is also an Associate Editor of international Journal of Advances in Structural Engineering and the Editorial Board member of other five journals.


