Disaster Reduction Academic Seminar (17)
Title:Integrity Assessment of Pressure Piping Structures with Respect to Cracks Speaker:Dr. Yifan Huang (黄一帆) Time:2019-1-8(Tue),15:30-16:30 Venue:C312, Institute for Disaster Management and Reconstruction AbstractThis presentation provides a general introduction of integrity assessment of pressure piping structures such as oil and gas pipelines and piping systems in the power plant....
Disaster Reduction Academic Seminar (16)
Title:Recent Developments in Infrastructure Monitoring and RehabilitationSpeaker:Professor Xinqun ZhuTime:2019-1-8(Tue),14:30-15:30Venue:C312, Institute for Disaster Management and ReconstructionAbstractThe civil infrastructures are subject to continuous degradation due to the environmental factors of ageing and excessive loading. Recently, the development of a health monitoring system t...
Announcement of Faculty Positions 2018
Sichuan University – The Hong Kong Polytechnic UniversityINSTITUTE FOR DISASTER MANAGEMENT AND RECONSTRUCTIONAnnouncement of Faculty Positions The Institute for Disaster Management and Reconstruction (IDMR) at Sichuan University, in Chengdu, China, invites applications for numerous faculty positions to begin as early as November 2018 or at a mutually agreed date thereafter. Appointments will s...
Sichuan University the 10th Anniversary Series of Wenchuan Earthquake (Opening Ceremony)
Sichuan University the 10th Anniversary Series of Wenchuan Earthquake (Opening Ceremony