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薛景元 特聘副研究员





(1) Jingyuan Xue, Can Yuan, Xiaoliang Ji, Minghua Zhang*. (2023). Predictive modeling of nitrogen and phosphorus concentrations in rivers using a machine learning framework: A case study in an urban-rural transitional area in Wenzhou China. Science of The Total Environment, 168521. (SCI, IF=10.753, 中科院一区Top)

(2) Liuyue He#, Jingyuan Xue#, Sufen Wang*. (2023). WHCrop: A novel water-heat driven crop model for estimating the spatiotemporal dynamics of crop growth for arid region. Agricultural Water Management, 287, 108410. (SCI, IF=6.611, 中科院一区Top)

(3) Jingyuan Xue, Qin Na, Xuyang Zhang, Michael L. Grieneisen, Quan Lai**, Minghua Zhang*. (2023). CalBMP, a web-based modeling tool for evaluating pesticide offsite movement and best management practice scenarios in California agricultural land. Agricultural Water Management, 277,108139. (SCI, IF=6.611, 中科院一区Top)

(4) Jingyuan Xue, Qiren Wang, Minghua Zhang*. (2022). A review of non-point source water pollution modeling for the urban–rural transitional areas of China: Research status and prospect. Science of The Total Environment, 826, 154146. (SCI, IF=10.753, 中科院一区Top)

(5) Jingyuan Xue, Allan Fulton, Isaya Kisekka*. (2021) Evaluating the role of remote sensing-based energy balance models in improving site-specific irrigation management for young walnut orchards. Agricultural Water Management, 256,107132. (SCI, IF=6.611, 中科院一区Top)

(6) Jingyuan Xue, Zailin Huo, Isaya Kisekka*. (2021). Assessing impacts of climate variability and changing cropping patterns on regional evapotranspiration, yield and water productivity in California’s San Joaquin watershed. Agricultural Water Management, 250, 106852. (SCI, IF=6.611, 中科院一区Top)

(7) Jingyuan Xue, Khaled Bali, Sarah Light, Tim Hessels, Isaya Kisekka*. (2020). Evaluation of remote sensing-based evapotranspiration models against surface renewal in almonds, tomatoes and maize. Agricultural Water Management, 238, 106228. (SCI, IF=6.611, 中科院一区Top)

(8) Jingyuan Xue, Zailin Huo*, Shuai Wang, Chaozi Wang, Ian White, Isaya Kisekka, Xu Xu. (2020). A novel regional irrigation water productivity model coupling irrigation- and drainage-driven soil hydrology and salinity dynamics and shallow groundwater movement in arid regions in China. Hydrology and Earth System Sciences, 24(5), 2399-2418. (SCI, IF=5.748, 中科院一区Top)

(9) Jingyuan Xue, Zailin Huo*, Fengxin Wang, Shaozhong Kang, Guanhua Huang. (2018). Untangling the effects of shallow groundwater and deficit irrigation on irrigation water productivity in arid region: New conceptual model. Science of the Total Environment, 619, 1170-1182. (SCI, IF=10.753, 中科院一区Top)

(10) Jingyuan Xue, Guan Huande, Huo Zailin*, Wang Fengxin, Huang Guanhua, Jan Boll. (2017). Water saving practices enhance regional efficiency of water consumption and water productivity in an arid agricultural area with shallow groundwater. Agricultural Water Management, 194, 78-89. (SCI, IF=6.611, 中科院一区Top)

(11) Jingyuan Xue, Zailin Huo*, Quanzhong Huang, Fengxin Wang, Jan Boll, Guanhua Huang, Zhongyi Qu. (2019) Assessing sustainability of agricultural water saving in arid area with shallow groundwater. Irrigation and Drainage, 68(2), 205-217. (SCI, IF=1.328, 中科院四区)

(12) Shuai Wang, Chaozi Wang, Chenglong Zhang, Jingyuan Xue, Pu Wang, Xingwang Wang, ... & Zailin Huo*. (2022). A classification-based spatiotemporal adaptive fusion model for the evaluation of remotely sensed evapotranspiration in heterogeneous irrigated agricultural area. Remote Sensing of Environment, 273, 112962. (SCI, IF=10.164, 中科院一区Top)

(13) Yanqi Liu, Yifan Lin, Zailin Huo, Chenglong Zhang, Chaozi Wang, Jingyuan Xue, Guanhua Huang. (2022). Spatio-temporal variation of irrigation water requirements for wheat and maize in the Yellow River Basin, China, 1974–2017. Agricultural Water Management, 262, 107451. (SCI,IF=6.611, 中科院一区Top)

(14) Shidan Zhu, Ningbo Cui, Ji Zhou, Jingyuan Xue, Zhihui Wang, Zongjun Wu, Mingjun Wang, Qingling Deng. (2023). Digital Mapping of Root-Zone Soil Moisture Using UAV-Based Multispectral Data in a Kiwifruit Orchard of Northwest China. Remote Sensing, 15(3), 646. (SCI, IF=5.349, 中科院二区)

(15) Di Wu, Jingyuan Xue, Xiaodong Bo, Weichao Meng, Youjie Wu, Taisheng Du*. (2017). Simulation of irrigation uniformity and optimization of irrigation technical parameters based on the SIRMOD model under alternate furrow irrigation. Irrigation & Drainage, 66(4), 478-491. (SCI, IF=1.328, 中科院四区)

(16) 薄晓东, 薛景元, 吴迪, 杜太生*. (2014). 隔畦交替灌溉灌水技术要素优化组合研究. 灌溉排水学报, 33 (Z1), 118-122. (EI)


2023年 教育部海外博士后引才专项计划(国家级人才项目)

2023年 四川大学“双百人才工程”计划

2023年 四川大学“优秀科研人才奖”

2018年 中国人社部博士后国际交流计划“派出项目”,全国入选120人

2018年 北京市优秀毕业生


1. 教育部海外博士后引才专项计划,智慧灌溉决策关键技术研究与应用,90万元,2024-2026,主持。

2. 国家自然科学青年基金,复杂种植条件下干旱地下水浅埋灌区分布式水分生产力模型与模拟,24万元,2021-2023,主持。

3. 四川大学引进人才科研启动经费,变化环境下面源污染过程仿真与响应决策研究,45万元,2023-2026,主持。

4. 中央高校基本科研业务费研究专项项目,“退经还粮”背景下西南季节性干旱区农业抗旱韧性模拟与优化提升研究,4万元,主持。

5. 中央高校基本科研业务费研究专项项目,气候智慧型灌溉农业决策关键技术,2万元,主持。

6. 国家重点研发计划“政府间国际科技创新合作重点专项”,九寨沟遗产地震损物源输移与湖泊淤积智慧防控策略,150万元,主研。

7. 国家农业国际重大科技项目子课题,南方主粮作物节水减灾提效技术集成与示范,310万元,主研。

8. 加州农药监管局地表水保护项目,BMP Evaluation Modeling for Reducing Pesticide Loads in Surface Water of California (19-C0072),90万元,2019-2024,主研。

9. 美国农业部特殊作物津贴补助计划,Managing Spatial Variability in Almond and Walnut Production through Site-Specific Zone Irrigation Management, Big Data and Artificial Intelligence (180001083SC),1008万元,2019-2023,主研。

10. 国家自然科学基金面上项目,城乡交错区的面源污染机理及模型研究——以温州温瑞塘河流域为例,72万元,2019-2023,主研。

11. 国家重点研发计划,节水灌溉效率与生境效应评价技术与方法,311万元,2016 -2020,主研。

12. 国家自然科学基金项目,灌区节水的生态环境效应及高效用水调控,289万元,2017-2021,主研。

13. 水利部公益项目,节水灌溉的尺度效应及用水效率与效益评价(子课题:农业用水效率与效益统一评价与协同提升),94万元,2014-2016,主研。

