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叶郁森 副教授

叶郁森,工学博士,香港理工大学博士后,四川大学副教授、硕士生导师。主持国家社科基金、国家自科基金等纵向项目4 项。以第一/通讯作者在Production and Operations Management,Transportation Research Part E,Transportation Letters、Frontiers in Psychology,International Transactions in Operational Research,Total Management & Business Excellence,Complex & Intelligent System等国际顶级/重要SCI/SSCI期刊发表论文数篇。主要研究方向为人道主义物流与供应链管理、应急物资储备社会协同、智慧农业与管理学交叉问题的最优化建模与算法、区域水-粮-经济-环境多目标优化。





[1] Ye, Y. S., Zhou, Z. L., Duan H. W*. (2022). Philanthropic Sales in Live - Streaming Shopping: The Impact of Online Interaction on Consumer Impulse Buying. Frontiers in Phycology (SSCI), 13:1041476. DOI: 10.3389/fpsyg.2022.1041476.

[2] Ye, Y. S., Jiao, W, Yan, H*. (2020). Managing relief inventories responding to natural disasters: Gaps between practice and literature. Production and Operations Management (SCIE, UTD24), 29(4): 807-832.

[3] Ye, Y. S., Ma, Z. J*., Dai, Y*. (2016). The price of anarchy in competitive reverse supply chains with quality-dependent price-only contracts. Transportation Research Part E: Logistics and Transportation Review (SCIE, SSCI), 89: 86-107.

[4] Ma, Z. J., Ye, Y. S*., Dai. Y, Yan H. (2022). The Price of Anarchy in Closed-loop Supply Chains. International Transactions in Operational Research (SCIE, SSCI), 29(1): 624-656.

[5] Cai, T. Y., Ye, Y. S.*, Yan, H*. (2024). Optimizing Social Costs in Post-Pandemic Humanitarian Distribution Models. Transportation Letters: the International Journal of Transportation Research (SCIE, SSCI), Forthcoming.

[6] Duan, H. W., Wang, M. T., Ye, Y. S*. (2022). Financing and information sharing in capital-constrained supply chain. Advances in Production Engineering & Management (SCIE), 17(3): 263-278.

[7] Zhou, Q., Yuen, K. F., Ye, Y. S*. (2022). The effect of brand loyalty and loss aversion on competitive trade-in strategies. Total Quality Management & Business Excellence (SSCI), 33(9-10), 1084-1112.

[8] Ma, K., Yan, H., Ye, Y*., Zhou, D., Ma, D. (2022). Critical Decision-Making Issues in Disaster Relief Supply Management: A Review. Computational Intelligence and Neuroscience (SCIE), 1105839, 12 pages. DOI: 10.1155/2022/1105839.

[9] Duan, H. W., Ye, Y. S*., Lei, Z., Wang, M. T. (2021). Express Delivery Logistics with High-speed railway: A Perspective of Payment Scheme and Forecast Information Sharing. Complex & Intelligent System (SCIE), DOI: 10.1007/s40747-021-00304-1.

[10] Ma, Z. J*., Ye, Y. S., Dai, Y. (2016). Qualifying the price of anarchy for reverse supply chains. Journal of Management Science in China (in Chinese) (CSSCI), 19(2): 66-73.

[11] Yasmeen, R., Hao, G., Ye, Y., Shah, W. U. H., Tang, C. (2023). The Synergy of Water Resource Agglomeration and Innovative Conservation Technologies on Provincial and Regional Water Usage Efficiency in China: A Super SBM-DEA Approach. Water (SCI), 15(19), 3524.

[12] Yasmeen, R., Hao, G., Ye, Y., Shah, W. U. H., Kamal, M. A. (2023). The role of governance quality on mobilizing environmental technology and environmental taxations for renewable energy and ecological sustainability in belt and road economies: A methods of Moment's quantile regression. Energy Strategy Reviews (SCI), 50, 101258.

[13] Hu, S., Dai, Y., Ma, Z. J., Ye, Y. S. (2016). Designing contracts for a reverse supply chain with strategic recycling behavior of consumers. International Journal of Production Economics (SCIE), 180, 16-24.

[14] Ma, Z. J., Hu, S., Dai, Y., Ye, Y. S. (2016). Pay‐as‐you‐throw versus recycling fund system in closed‐loop supply chains with alliance recycling. International Transactions in Operational Research (SCI, SSCI).


[1] Ye, Y. S., Yan, H*. (2020). Disaster Relief Supply Management. in Natural Hazards - Impacts, Adjustments & Resilience (Indexed by BKCI-Web of Science), IntechOpen.


1. 国家社会科学基金(西部项目),23XGL017,韧性治理视域下应急物资储备社会协同机制与路径研究,2023-09至2025-09,20万元,主持,在研.

2. 国家自然科学基金青年项目, 71801163, 救灾物资储备更新下的逆向供应链非合作代价研究, 2019-01-01 至 2021-12-31, 20万元, 主持, 已结题(优).

3. 国家高端智库重点研究课题(涉密),极端情况下我国***安全保障问题研究,2024-04至2024-09,主持,在研.

4. 四川省科技计划项目, 2021JDRC0116, 应急物资生命周期管理与回收供应链研究, 2021-04 至 2023-03, 8万元, 主持, 已结题.

5. 中央高校基本科研业务费研究专项项目,救灾物资回收逆向供应链非合作代价研究研究,8万元,主持。

6. 中央高校基本科研业务费研究专项项目,应急物资社会化储备机制研究,1万元,主持。

7. 四川大学创新火花项目,考虑救灾物资生命周期的储备更新策略研究,5万元,主持。

8. 中央高校基本科研业务费研究专项项目,“退经还粮”背景下西南季节性干旱区农业抗旱韧性模拟与优化提升研究,4万元,主研。

