
牟海燕 专职博士后





1. Liu Y(导师) , Mou H (牟海燕) , Chen L , et al. Cr(VI)-contaminated groundwater remediation with simulated permeable reactive barrier (PRB) filled with natural pyrite as reactive material: Environmental factors and effectiveness. Journal of Hazardous Materials,2015, 298(nov.15):83-90.
2. Mou Haiyan (牟海燕), Liu Wenchao, Zhao Lili, et al. Stabilization of hexavalent chromium with pretreatment and high temperature sintering in highly contaminated soil. Frontiers of Environmental Science & Engineering, 2020, 15(4):61.
3. Mou Haiyan (牟海燕), Chen Wenqing, Xue Ze, et al. Effect of irrigation water system’s distribution on rice cadmium accumulation in large mild cadmium contaminated paddy field areas of Southwest China. Science of the Total Environment, , 2020, 746.
4. Chen, FF., Su, GP., Mou, HY (牟海燕). et al. Quantifying the ecological stability of artificial aquatic ecosystems: a case study of an artificial lake in Chengdu, China.Aquatic Sciences,2019,81:3.
5.Xie Mengdi, Dai Haibo, Liu Jiaxin, Xue Zhe, Chen Yi, Liang Xuan, Mou Haiyan (牟海燕). Metabolomics reveals the “Invisible” detoxification mechanisms of Amaranthus hypochondriacus at three ages upon exposure to different levels of cadmium. Ecotoxicology and Environmental Safety, Volume 195, 2020, 110520.
6. 牟海燕,蒋茜茜,吴晨伟,梁煊,黄家森,陈文清,敖天其.五种土壤胶体对重金属镉的吸附特征,四川大学学报(自然科学版),2019,56(06).
7. 牟海燕,黄武,万娟,陈文清,敖天其,等.不同分子量胡敏酸对蒙脱石吸附镉的影响及作用机制研究.工程科学与技术, . 2021,53(05).
8. 黄家森,牟海燕,赖西聪,等. 重金属污染土壤原位钝化技术研究进展. 四川化工, 2018, 021(002):9-12.
9. 黄武, 牟海燕, 梁煊,等. 土壤酸化的防护与治理研究进展. 四川化工, 2019(5):9-13.
10. 梁煊,李云帧,牟海燕,陈方方,等.钝化土壤酸化过程机理及关键影响因子探讨.工程科学与技术,2018,50(6):193-197.
11.万娟,陈文清,黄家森,牟海燕,等. 不同价态阳离子对蒙脱石吸附镉的影响研究.应用化工. 2021,50(08).
12.朱立超,刘元元,李伟民,牟海燕,等. 施氏矿物的化学合成及其对含Cr(Ⅵ)地下水吸附修复. 环境科学. 2017,38(02).

1. 兰鑫,牟海燕,侯翔,等.用于铅污染土壤修复的固化剂及修复方法:中国,发明专利, CN201510933830.4[P]. 公开日:2016.02.24.
2. 缪璐薇,牟海燕,陈文清,黄武,等.一种用于修复重金属污染农田土壤的钝化剂及应用方法:中国.发明专利, ZL202011509637.5[P].公开日:2021.8.17


1. 硫铁矿渣堆-农田复合区重金属污染综合修复技术[Z].陈文清; 孙辉; 梁煊; 张军; 牟海燕; 谢梦迪; 陈勇; 王清森. 国家科技成果(2019).