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第宝锋 教授、博士生导师


曾先后在美国加州大学DAVIS分校作访问学者,在尼泊尔国际山地中心(ICIMOD)、德国亚琛工业大学(RWTH Aachen)作高级访问学者。迄今,已独立申请和主持各类科研课题20余项,其中包括国家重点研发计划“政府间国际科技创新合作”项目、国家重点研发计划项目子课题、国家科技支撑计划子课题、国家环保公益基金课题、国家自然科学基金等项目。已在Nature Communication,Remote Sensing of Environment, Environmental science & technology, Resources, Conservation & Recycling,CATENA等学术期刊上发表论文100余篇,获省部级奖励6项。曾先后参与汶川地震、九寨沟地震、长宁地震、泸县地震、芦山地震、马尔康地震、泸定地震等震后次生地质灾害排危、灾损评估及恢复重建规划等相关工作,支持四川三州民族地区村寨开展防灾减灾科普教育及演练,受益人数超过10万人次。




[1] Li J., B.R. Adhikari, et al., Di B.* 2024. Frequent dry-wet cycles promote debris flow occurrence: Insights from 40 years of data in subtropical monsoon region of Sichuan, China. CATENA, 238(15), 107888.

[2] Wu S., Wong M.S., Di B.*, et al. 2024. Unveiling the urban resilience in cities of China, a study on NO2 concentrations and COVID-19 pandemic. Atmospheric Environment, 326,120447.

[3] He W., Di B.*, Zeng Y., et al. 2023. Reconsidering the eco-economic benefits of Grain for Green Program in Sichuan Province, China. Ecological Indicators, 157(2023),111225.

[4] Li J., Liu J., Di B.*, Pan J., Shaw R., Shoji T. 2023. Medical resource accessibility in areas with frequent and hazardous debris flows. International journal of disaster risk reduction, 95, 103873.

[5] Wu S., Di B.*, Susan L.U., Constantine A.S., Li J., Zuo Q., Wu X., Ai N. 2022. Classification and detection of dominant factors in geospatial patterns of traditional settlements in China. Journal of Geographical Sciences, 32(5), 873-891.

[6] Di B., Katsenis L., Stamatopoulos C.A., Panoskaltsis V.P. 2021. Sliding element simulating the response of slip surfaces and its application for the prediction of earthquake-induced landslide movement using one-dimensional dynamic analyses. Landslides, 1-11.

[7] Di B., Stamatopoulos C.A., Liu E., Balla L. 2021. Proposal, application and partial validation of a simplified expression evaluating the stability of sandy slopes under rainfall conditions. Geomorphology, 395, 107966.

[8] Duan Y., Di B.*, Ustin S. L., Xu C., Xie Q., Wu S., Zhang R. 2021. Changes in ecosystem services in a montane landscape impacted by major earthquakes: A case study in Wenchuan earthquake-affected area, China. Ecological Indicators, 126, 107683.

[9] Di B., Luo M., Shi K., Liu C., Jiao Y. 2021. Fractal Analyses Reveal the Origin of Aesthetics in Chinese Calligraphy. Contemporary Social Sciences, 6(02), 13-19.

[10] Kimuli J.B., Di B*., Zhang R., Wu S., Li J., Yin W. 2021. A Multisource Trend Analysis of Floods in Asia-Pacific 1990–2018: Implications for Climate Change in Sustainable Development Goals. International Journal of Disaster Risk Reduction, 102237.

[11] Di B., Li J., Dandoulaki M., Cruz A.M., Zhang R., Niu Z. 2020. Household recovery strategies in Longmen Mountain area, Sichuan, China, following the 2008 Wenchuan earthquake disaster. Natural Hazards, 1-15.

[12] Di B., Yang Z., Liu L., Yang Y., Li J., 2020. The regionalized ecological, economic and social benefit of China’s sloping cropland erosion control during the 12th Five-Year Plan (2011-2015). Journal of Environmental Management, 276, 111314.

[13] Liu L., Di B.*, Zhang M. 2020. The tradeoff between ecological protection and economic growth in China’s county development: Evidence from the soil and water conservation projects during 2011–2015. Resources, Conservation & Recycling, 156,104745.

[14] Xiong K., Adhikari B.R., Stamatopoulos C.A., Zhan Y., Wu S., Dong Z., Di B.*. 2020. Comparison of Different Machine Learning Methods for Debris Flow Susceptibility Mapping: A Case Study in the Sichuan Province, China. Remote Sensing, 12(2), 295.

[15] Xiong Y., Chen P., Mu Y., Li X., Di B., Li J., Qu Y., Tang J., Liang J., Mu D. 2020. Association between ambient temperature and hypertensive disorders in pregnancy in China. Nature Communications, 11, 2925.

[16] Di B., Zhang H., Liu Y., Li J., Chen N., Stamatopoulos C.A., Luo Y., Zhan Y. 2019. Assessing Susceptibility of Debris Flow in Southwest China Using Gradient Boosting Machine. Scientific Reports, 9, 12532.

[17] Zhan Y., Luo Y., Deng X., Zhang K., Zhang M., Grieneisen M.L., Di B.*. 2018. Satellite-Based Estimates of Daily NO2 Exposure in China Using Hybrid Random Forest and Spatiotemporal Kriging Model. Environmental science & technology, 52(7), 4180-4189.

[18] Zhan Y., Luo Y., Deng X., Grieneisen M., Zhang M., Di B.*. Spatiotemporal prediction of daily ambient ozone levels across china using random forest for human exposure assessment, Environmental Pollution, 233, 464-473.

[19] Shi K., Di B.*, Zhang K., Feng C., Svirchev L. 2018. Detrended Cross-correlation Analysis of Urban Traffic Congestion and NO2 Concentrations in Chengdu. Transportation Research Part D, 61,165-173.

[20] Di B., Stamatopoulos C.A., Dandoulaki M., Stavrogiannopoulou E., Zhang M., Bampina P. 2017. A method predicting the earthquake-induced landslide risk by back analyses of past landslides and its application in the region of the Wenchuan 12/5/2008 earthquake. Natural Hazards, 85(2), 903-927.

[21] Di B., Shi K., Zhang K., Svirchev L., Hu X. 2016. Long-Term Correlations and Multifractality of Traffic Flow Measured by GIS for Congested and Free-Flow Roads. Fractals. 24, 1650012.

[22]. Stamatopoulos C.A., Di B.*. 2014. Simplified multi-block constitutive model predicting earthquake-induced slide triggering and displacement along slip surfaces of saturated sand. Soil Dynamics and Earthquake Engineering, 67, 16-29.

[23] Di B.*, Zeng H., Zhang M., Susan L.U., Tang Y., Wang Z., Chen N., Zhang B. 2010. Quantifying Spatial Distribution of Soil Mass Wasting Processes after the 2008 Earthquake in Wenchuan, China-A case study of the Longmenshan area. Remote Sensing of Environment, 114, 761–771.

[24] Di B.*,Chen N.,Cui P.,Li Z.,He Y.,Gao Y. 2008. GIS-Based Risk Analysis of Debris Flows: an Application in Sichuan, southwest China International Journal of Sediment Research, 23(2), 138-148.

[25] 彭巧巧, 孟祥瑞, 第宝锋*, 曾雅婕, 骆晓龙, 胡顺忠. 2023. 四川盆地典型地震灾区居民住房受损影响因素及特征分析. 地震工程学报. 1-9.

[26] 邱铃珂, 曾文, 戴玥, 李俊辉, 边昂, 盖宏坤, 第宝锋*. 2022. 巨灾胁迫下植被碳储量地域分异规律研究. 灾害学, 37(04), 115-122.

[27] 第宝锋, 崔鹏, 艾南山, 张国友. 2019. 《中国大百科全书·中国地理卷》西南区编撰对区域地理学研究的启示. 地理科学, 39(06), 898-904.

[28] 熊轲, 詹宇, Parcharidis I., 杜杰, 第宝锋*. 2019. 九寨沟震区地表形变监测及震损物源估算, 长江流域资源与环境, 28(1), 184-191.

[29] 刘永垚, 第宝锋*, 詹宇, Stamatopoulos C.A. 2018. 基于随机森林模型的泥石流易发性评价. 山地学报, 36(5), 765-773.

[30] 胡晓曦, 第宝锋*, 袁媛, 黄靖, 张梦. 2016. 长江上游生态建设工程与植被覆盖时空变化的响应特征研究. 长江流域资源与环境, 25 (8), 1264-1272.

[31] 张梦, 第宝锋*, Stamatopoulos C.A., 宋微曦, 王雅潞. 2015. 灾变山地环境影响下小流域脆弱性评价研究. 长江流域资源与环境, 24(06), 1072-1078.

[32] 宋微曦, 第宝锋*, 左进, 罗文锋, 张梦. 2014. 聚落应对山地灾害环境的适应性分析—以彭州市银厂沟为例. 山地学报, 32(2), 212-218.

[33] 第宝锋, 崔鹏, 艾南山. 2008. 中国水土保持生态修复分区. 四川大学学报(工程科学版), 40(5), 32-37.





























