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刘百仓 教授、博士生导师

教授,博导,国家级青年人才项目入选者,四川大学“双百人才”,四川大学优秀科研人才奖获得者,四川省学术和技术带头人后备人选,海外高层次留学人才,吴玉章学院指导老师。在Environmental Science & Technology、Water Research、ACS Sustainable Chemistry & Engineering、Journal of Membrane Science、Desalination、Environment International、Science of The Total Environment、Separation and Purification Technology、Chemical Engineering Journal、Journal of Hazardous Materials、Bioresource Technology等杂志上发表论文93篇(一作/通讯84篇)。国家发明专利10项。主持完成译著《水处理原理与设计》1部“十二五”国家重点图书,200万字,获2020年度南京大学紫金全兴奖。获2021年国际水协YWP首创环保集团产业创新类金奖。主持3项国家自然科学基金面上项目、1项省科技厅项目等,四川大学好未来学者、校优青基金获得者,省优博,担任市政工程学科青年学者委员、海水淡化与水再利用分会第二届青年专家委员会执行委员、ACS Sustainable Chemistry & Engineering(一区杂志,IF:8.198)青年编委。主要从事饮用水和污水处理、膜材料、凝胶材料、吸附材料、催化氧化、生物法、绿色化工与合成、水质灾害、流体力学与数值模拟等方面的研究工作。重点研究低成本、高效村镇饮用水处理的膜法组合工艺;重点研究膜的核心制备技术(超滤、纳滤、反渗透等)使其应用于新能源开发、水处理工业当中;重点研究页岩气工业废水处理与资源化利用技术(采用混凝、吸附、生物、催化氧化和膜滤等处理技术)。





刘百仓等译,《水处理原理与设计-水质基础与化学反应(原著第三版)》,2016. 41.1万字

刘百仓等译,《水处理原理与设计-水处理技术(一)(原著第三版)》,2016. 53.7万字

刘百仓等译,《水处理原理与设计-水处理技术(二)(原著第三版)》,2016. 61.6万字

刘百仓等译,《水处理原理与设计-水处理技术及其集成与管道的腐蚀(原著第三版)》,2016. 41.7万字


1. Xie, W.; Tang, P.; Wu, Q.; Chen, C.; Song, Z.; Li, T.; Bai, Y.; Lin, S.; Tiraferri, A.; Liu, B.*, Solar-driven desalination and resource recovery of shale gas wastewater by on-site interfacial evaporation. Chemical Engineering Journal 2022, 428, 132624.

2. Tang, P.; Liu, B.*; Xie, W.; Wang, P.; He, Q.; Bao, J.; Zhang, Y.*; Zhang, Z.; Li, J.; Ma, J., Synergistic mechanism of combined ferrate and ultrafiltration process for shale gas wastewater treatment. Journal of Membrane Science 2022, 641, 119921.

3. Liu, X.; Tang, P.; Liu, Y.; Xie, W.; Chen, C.; Li, T.; He, Q.; Bao, J.; Tiraferri, A.; Liu, B.*, Efficient removal of organic compounds from shale gas wastewater by coupled ozonation and moving-bed-biofilm submerged membrane bioreactor. Bioresource Technology 2022, 344, 126191.

4. Xie, W.; Tiraferri, A.; Ji, X.; Chen, C.; Bai, Y.; Crittenden, J. C.; Liu, B.*, Green and sustainable method of manufacturing anti-fouling zwitterionic polymers-modified poly(vinyl chloride) ultrafiltration membranes. Journal of Colloid and Interface Science 2021, 591, 343-351.

5. Xie, W.; Li, T.; Tiraferri, A.; Drioli, E.; Figoli, A.; Crittenden, J. C.; Liu, B.*, Toward the Next Generation of Sustainable Membranes from Green Chemistry Principles. ACS Sustainable Chemistry & Engineering 2021, 9, (1), 50-75. (Front Cover)

6. Tang, P.; Xie, W.; Tiraferri, A.; Zhang, Y.; Zhu, J.; Li, J.; Lin, D.; Crittenden, J. C.; Liu, B.*, Organics removal from shale gas wastewater by pre-oxidation combined with biologically active filtration. Water Research 2021, 196, 117041.

7. Tang, P.; Li, J.; Li, T.; Tian, L.; Sun, Y.; Xie, W.; He, Q.; Chang, H.; Tiraferri, A.; Liu, B.*, Efficient integrated module of gravity driven membrane filtration, solar aeration and GAC adsorption for pretreatment of shale gas wastewater. Journal of Hazardous materials 2021, 405, 124166.

8. Sun, Y.; Wu, M.; Tong, T.; Liu, P.; Tang, P.; Gan, Z.; Yang, P.*; He, Q.; Liu, B.*, Organic compounds in Weiyuan shale gas produced water: Identification, detection and rejection by ultrafiltration-reverse osmosis processes. Chemical Engineering Journal 2021, 412, 128699.

9. Novichkova, A.; Shang, W.; Yang, Y.; Qiao, X.; Tang, Y.; Liu, B.*, Effect of Ultrafiltration–Reverse-Osmosis-Treated Shale Gas Wastewater on Seed Germination and Plant Growth. Energy & Fuels 2021, 35, (2), 1629-1637.

10. Liu, Y.; Tang, P.; Zhu, Y.; Xie, W.; Yang, P.*; Zhang, Z.; Liu, B.*, Green aerogel adsorbent for removal of organic compounds in shale gas wastewater: High-performance tuning and adsorption mechanism. Chemical Engineering Journal 2021, 416, 129100.

11. Hu, M.; Wu, Q.; Chen, C.; Liang, S.; Liu, Y.; Bai, Y.; Tiraferri, A.; Liu, B.*, Facile preparation of antifouling nanofiltration membrane by grafting zwitterions for reuse of shale gas wastewater. Separation and Purification Technology 2021, 276, 119310.

12. Xie, W.; Tiraferri, A.; Liu, B.*; Tang, P.; Wang, F.; Chen, S.; Figoli, A.; Chu, L.-Y., First Exploration on a Poly(vinyl chloride) Ultrafiltration Membrane Prepared by Using the Sustainable Green Solvent PolarClean. ACS Sustainable Chemistry & Engineering 2020, 8, (1), 91-101. (Front Cover)

13. Chang, H.; Liu, B.*; Zhang, Z.; Pawar, R.; Yan, Z.; Crittenden, J. C.; Vidic, R. D.*, A Critical Review of Membrane Wettability in Membrane Distillation from the Perspective of Interfacial Interactions. Environmental Science & Technology 2021, 55, (3), 1395-1418. (Front Cover)

14. Tian, L.#; Chang, H.#; Tang, P.; Li, T.; Zhang, X.; Liu, S.; He, Q.; Wang, T.; Yang, J.; Bai, Y.; Vidic, R. D.; Crittenden, J. C.; Liu, B.*, Rare Earth Elements Occurrence and Economical Recovery Strategy from Shale Gas Wastewater in the Sichuan Basin, China. ACS Sustainable Chemistry & Engineering 2020, 8, (32), 11914-11920. (Front Cover)

15. Tang, P.; Liu, B.*; Zhang, Y.*; Chang, H.; Zhou, P.; Feng, M.; Sharma, V. K., Sustainable reuse of shale gas wastewater by pre-ozonation with ultrafiltration-reverse osmosis. Chemical Engineering Journal 2020, 123743.

16. He, M.; Li, T.; Hu, M.; Chen, C.; Liu, B.*; Crittenden, J.; Chu, L.-Y.; Ng, H. Y., Performance improvement for thin-film composite nanofiltration membranes prepared on PSf/PSf-g-PEG blended substrates. Separation and Purification Technology 2020, 230, 115855.

17. Chang, H.; Liu, S.; Tong, T.; He, Q.; Crittenden, J. C.; Vidic, R. D.; Liu, B.*, On-Site Treatment of Shale Gas Flowback and Produced Water in Sichuan Basin by Fertilizer Drawn Forward Osmosis for Irrigation. Environmental Science & Technology 2020, 54, (17), 10926-10935. (Front Cover)

18. Xie, W.; Li, T.; Chen, C.; Wu, H.; Liang, S.; Chang, H.; Liu, B.*; Drioli, E.; Wang, Q.; Crittenden, J. C., Using the Green Solvent Dimethyl Sulfoxide To Replace Traditional Solvents Partly and Fabricating PVC/PVC-g-PEGMA Blended Ultrafiltration Membranes with High Permeability and Rejection. Industrial & Engineering Chemistry Research 2019, 58, (16), 6413-6423. (Front Cover)

19. Chang, H.; Liu, B.*; Wang, H.; Zhang, S.-Y.; Chen, S.; Tiraferri, A.; Tang, Y.-Q., Evaluating the performance of gravity-driven membrane filtration as desalination pretreatment of shale gas flowback and produced water. Journal of Membrane Science 2019, 587, 117187.

20. Chang, H.; Liu, B.*; Crittenden, J. C.; Vidic, R. D., Resource Recovery and Reuse for Hydraulic Fracturing Wastewater in Unconventional Shale Gas and Oil Extraction. Environmental Science & Technology 2019, 53, (23), 13547-13548.

21. Shang, W.; Tiraferri, A.; He, Q.; Li, N.; Chang, H.; Liu, C.; Liu, B.*, Reuse of shale gas flowback and produced water: Effects of coagulation and adsorption on ultrafiltration, reverse osmosis combined process. Science of the Total Environment 2019, 689, 47-56.

22. Chang, H.; Li, T.; Liu, B.*; Vidic, R. D.; Elimelech, M.; Crittenden, J. C., Potential and implemented membrane-based technologies for the treatment and reuse of flowback and produced water from shale gas and oil plays: A review. Desalination 2019, 455, 34-57.

23. Chang, H.; Li, T.; Liu, B.*; Chen, C.; He, Q.; Crittenden, J. C., Smart ultrafiltration membrane fouling control as desalination pretreatment of shale gas fracturing wastewater: The effects of backwash water. Environment International 2019, 130, 104869.

24. Wang, S.; Li, T.; Chen, C.; Liu, B.*; Crittenden, J. C., PVDF ultrafiltration membranes of controlled performance via blending PVDF-g-PEGMA copolymer synthesized under different reaction times. Frontiers of Environmental Science & Engineering 2018, 12, (2).

25. Yang, B.; Yang, X.; Liu, B.*; Chen, Z.*; Chen, C.; Liang, S.; Chu, L.-Y.; Crittenden, J., PVDF blended PVDF-g-PMAA pH-responsive membrane: Effect of additives and solvents on membrane properties and performance. Journal of Membrane Science 2017, 541, 558-566.

26. Liu, J.; Liu, B.*; Liu, T.; Bai, Y.; Yu, S., Coagulation-bubbling-ultrafiltration: Effect of floc properties on the performance of the hybrid process. Desalination 2014, 333, (1), 126-133.

27. Liu, B.; Chen, C.; Li, T.; Crittenden, J.; Chen, Y.*, High performance ultrafiltration membrane composed of PVDF blended with its derivative copolymer PVDF-g-PEGMA. Journal of Membrane Science 2013, 445, 66-75.

28. Liu, B.; Chen, C.; Zhang, W.; Crittenden, J.; Chen, Y.*, Low-cost antifouling PVC ultrafiltration membrane fabrication with Pluronic F 127: Effect of additives on properties and performance. Desalination 2012, 307, 26-33.

29. Liu, B.; Ma, J.*; Luo, L.; Bai, Y.; Wang, S.; Zhang, J., Two-Dimensional LDV Measurement, Modeling, and Optimal Design of Rectangular Primary Settling Tanks. Journal of Environmental Engineering-ASCE 2010, 136, (5), 501-507.

30. Liu, B.; Ma, J.*; Huang, S.; Chen, D.; Chen, W., Two-dimensional numerical simulation of primary settling tanks by hybrid finite analytic method. Journal of Environmental Engineering-ASCE 2008, 134, (4), 273-282.









8.提高臭氧接触氧化池的臭氧利用率、强化处理效果的方法,发明人:马军,刘百仓(专利号ZL 200510127322.3)




ACS Sustainable Chemistry & Engineering (IF:8.198)青年编委;

Chinese Chemical Letters 青年编委;



美国化学学会(American Chemical Society, ACS)会员;

美国供水协会(American Water Works Association, AWWA)会员;

美国膜技术协会(American Membrane Technology Association, AMTA)会员;

国际水协会(International Water Association, IWA)会员;

Journal of Membrane Science Reviewer (Outstanding Contribution in Reviewing).





5、2020年获“英国皇家化学学会2020 RSC Science Video优秀指导教师奖”

6、2020年获“第十三届全国大学生节能减排社会实践与科技竞赛一等奖” 指导教师;



















2、国家自然科学基金项目“混凝-气提-超滤膜内多相流耦合作用机制及膜滤效能的研究”(51278317) (主持)



5、基本科研   校优青基金项目 (2082604184335)(主持)

6、国家重点实验室项目 (08UWQA04) (主持)

7、国家重点实验室项目 (2009B055) (主持)

8、国家重点实验室项目 (M2-201809)(主持)


10、校青年基金 (2009SCU11046) (主持)

11、企业项目 创建“膜技术研究中心” (13H0297)(主持)












